Friday, April 18, 2008

A Moderate Solution

A Moderate Solution
66 days ago
Society as we all know it has evolved into many of things over the years। Amongst all the social commontion, interaction and problematic situations there is constant results shown in our media। The question friends is, ”How can we come to change the world through our use of research, though process and media। Joey sits in the streets of downtown St. Louis as the country singer portrays the song of the life of the homeless. He overhears, "I've had my moments, days in the sun, moments, when I was second to none, memories when I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do," and he thinks about when he has too. Jacob suffers in Africa from disease and famine. Sarah goes to a hopspital to help change the world she sees. Children coming from broken homes all over a wide ranged area to hospitals because of situations of depression, suicidalism, homicidalism or daily pressures of everyday life such as these. Sheryl Crow speaks of redemption day when she sings, " I've wept for those who suffer long, but how I weep for those who've gone into rooms of grief and questioned wrong but keep on killing." She sings a song of how it's , "Hard to Make a Stand." It currently sings a worn-down song or an out-fadded throng of what is the day's complaints. Jane admitted herself hospitable to prove the world wrong. What happens if kids like Ryan keep on dying and the world keeps being a sad, sad song? All it takes is a mix of Socrates philosophy, reasoning, research, thought process and media to prove our point that love is what the world needs and that we can take it back over like King-kong!They build a home for Joey S. Jerome so he can finally keep warm while living. They put the homeless in a shelter for they themselves to kilter in warmth, love and affection. He relives good moments and days in the sun. Jacob suffers no more, a vaccine they have found and food they have grown. A temporary hospital for the broken-homed children and adoption set-out for those in foster care. Treatment therapy the children get from Centerpointe. No more suicidalism or homicidalism for them they learn how to cop and love again, now they care. Sheryl Crow sings her songs, "Maybe Angels," and "Everyday is a Winding Road," equals out the bad world songs. Kids like Ryan stopped dying because they found a new cure for cancer and a celebration is made. Jane admitted herself hospitable and boy so did she and those who joined her prove the world wrong. Can you change the world? Can you achive your dreams? All the answers lie into the self analysis of what is seems.Why don't we all just go bungee jumping or hang-glide right off a cliff for all of what it's worth? Life doesn't mean anything anyway does it? Or does it so? I'm sure running over pedestrians that are homeless would fix the problem and writinghateful songs with clamor that cause more suffering would be all of glam's worth. Leaving children to starve without a care in Africa and putting them in the military would take care of the population over there. Thought process in writing brings a poet's citing to a joyful cue. The warmth comes back to cheek and there is a slight hue. The world is warmed by love once again and there is less suffering. A photojournalist writes with reasoning. A series of perspectives, questions and answers. Cures to cancers cited, informative news displayed and world delighted listens. World soon learns knowledge. No under-education will stop them anymore. They learn the writing thought processes, chronological, timeline, reasoning, satirism, sarcasm, exaggeration and more.The media learns to diplay the thoughts of the world in a useful way. The world sees them on T.V. everyday. The world's problems thanks to the media get expose. The world's wickedness starts to smother and corrodes. The dry ending to helping critical situations of every day life, changin the opposed and start ending strife the world cooperates on the base account of love.


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