Friday, March 28, 2008


Have you ever seen a house be wired before? You wonder how the electricians know how to wire that complex house to make those breakers work just right. Well, you know sure maybe there is a hint in the houseplan or not and you just think maybe, "Gosh, that's got to be hard..," well think about building the whole house! What about our electronic radios and computers, speakers, phones and such. They're are those little electronic disks, those capacitators that store energy and you think back to when you did that eight grade experiment with a ligth bulb? Or you think of Einstein or Franklin? Well think about all that math we learn and the understanding we have about what happens with circuits, breakers, capacitators and such thanks to the inventor of electricity. Now put the two and two together and look at the understanding you've got! With lineatric and algebraic math the wiring and mechanical devices so to say on a hard drive or a modem disk or card you have installed in your computer are all mapped out with a bunch of numbers. Yes, they all follow a lineatrical form. Royce informed me tonight of something interesting. For the hard core old users, take a device that goes out such as your modem card, speaker/sound drive card, hard drive anything and look at the minute components on it. Yes, with those little things combined, you have a complex computer with capacitators that store your energy continuously. Of All the movement's to have let's have a movement on educational motivation to promote a better understanding of all aspects of this world.

*P>S>Also look at your latest computer's pretty awesome..not to mention everybody has the Ipods



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