Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Conceded Sect Hides Under Mormon Religion and Four-Hundred Found

It was a horrible thing watching the news tonight. Throughout Texas, Arizona and even Utah there has been a sect that has been taking and demanding much of the money of the people belonging to the Mormon Religion and the leaders of the Mormon Religion in that area were marrying girls off young, confining them and raping them. They happened to live on a ranch. I don't think it was so much of the Mormon Religion in general but the face of the people hiding under it. Ok,..let me explain something for instance. The Bible says that false religion will perish and be destroyed. Those people who are actually hiding under the names of those religion will most definitely perish. The Bible actually refers to mixed religion such as this as Babylon the Great right? Well for those familiar and unfamiliar with it here is a little interesting note from the Bible. Have you ever heard somebody call someone else a Nimrod when they weren't being smart?? Well In Genesis 10:9 it shows where "Nimrod" an unwise character within the Bible hence the inherited name, started falso religion or worldly religion such as this promoting selfish interests other that that of the pure and true worship of God. Note from the Watchtower Library 2007, 'It was established in the first century of our Common Era centuries before Christendom got started. It was the organization to which a former resident of the town of Nazareth in Galilee wrote these words: "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."—Jas. 1:1, 26, 27, AV; AS; RS.' Sadly, I've seen rape victims and how they've been affected and how those molested feel. There should be devine reproach upon those who have done this because it is a dispicable havack that they've caused to these girls and women. EVERYONE PLEASE REPLY TO CNN OR ANY OTHER LOCAL NEWS STATIONS AND OUT OF LOVE FOR THESE CHILDREN AND WOMEN VOICE YOUR OPINION THAT THESE MEN ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND THAT THE POLICE DO HAVE THEIR RIGHTS BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST A BUNCH OF INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE CRIMINALS HIDING UNDER A RELIGION AND THERE SHOULD BE A FINE NOT ONLY ON THAT ALONE BUT THE HARMFUL ACTS THEY HAVE DONE IN RUINING THE LIVES OF OTHERS! PLEASE DO THIS OUT OF LOVE FOR THEM! HERE IS ANOTHER SITUATION RECORDED IN THE BIBLE FOR US TO OBSERVE: PRAISE JAH YOU PEOPLE FOR IT IS GOOD TO MAKE MELODY TO OUR GOD. HE IS BINDING UP THE PAINFUL SPOTS AND HEALING THE BROKEN-HEARTED. HE IS COUNTED THE NUMBER OF STARS AND EACH OF THEM HE CALLS BY NAME!


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