Monday, January 14, 2008

A Modest Proposal For Society

Jessica Gerlemann
English IV
Mr. Flynn
1st hour
A modest proposal be it a must to the ordained society in our ways of making the sheer truth of human dominance and contingency better. Human dominance a great example of running over pedestrians because we’re mad at the time or human contingency or tendency to bomb all those we disagree with seems to be a rightful action for only the mortified society of which we would live in today hath it not if it weren’t for changes dear friends in a pleasure of pursuit of want it is or was to be. Yes, we must punish the punishers that are the successors to the successes or the successees to the successors in pursuit of what is to be. Then, what then, if evil will win? We’ll all be held responsible for the action of our feet and fist trod so if the abused are abuse for reason what is it to us if they are settling their differences? Yes, skydiving out of airplanes when we reach our fifties seems to be the reasonable answer in solving the solution to our societies. What if then even our best answer may be to pound each other on the head with the rubber mallets like monkeys who disagree in the most trivial pursuit to launch an aftermath ever after until we solve the riddle God wants us to pursue. If only this was the world history and no not homicidalism, suicidalism or bad acts should ever cause us to change our mind or shift our dispositions in society for a reasonable cause and solution. We must er’ fight the fight in conformity to change our human contingencies and fight the fine fight in resolution to solve the humanic problems where from the beginning the apple fell too far from the tree where the snake had bitten. Now it is time we must adventurously bite back in pursuing the course to answering the most important riddle of our lives. We must whip the punishers who punish us in doing good in our lives and run over the innocent pedestrians in the street when we are mad or shalt we not make a change?.. Wait dear ones isn’t this we already do? Let us take up our torture stakes and play a video game to decipher through what best fits the human needs in our life. Skydiving out of airplanes seems to sound like the detrimental relief and taking a pitch fork to those who challenge the farmer and pop them in the butt as a reminder where the Indian corn crops and home grown tomatoes came from. Yes it was humans but was it all just so about by chance, you plant a seed in the soil and water it, that with a little sunlight it comes to grow? Shalt we stomp on those or he whom feeds us? The censure by the time we’re done if allowed to go forth as monkeys bombing and discrediting and destroying those we disagree with shall eventually cause the snake from our belly where we feed to eventually bite us back. Yes, best as it is, I suppose we must leave it this way. After all, it’s what God wanted isn’t it? Or not? Or did it occur where one took a step to change. Either way I guess we’re just better off watching our world fall and disintegrate completely away from us are we not? Of course, that is how changes occur and take place isn’t it?
(Did you feel yourself getting angry or outraged or thinking I was somewhat of what they call the ol' donkey?.. That's the use of satire in the example of a Modest Proposal by Pope in which we so adventurously learned a great deal about awesomely from my first hour English IV teacher. So here's my explanation.., have fun thinking about it! )
When we all live in society sometimes depending upon the amount of groups we are around we might see an invarious number of a different amount of groups whom are out of order to what is or would be healthful to them and it causes much of the pain and strife of suffering signified by the apple falling too far from the tree of the story of Adam and Eve and the snake biting in the story or causing it and being lost and not clearly understanding one uniform set of rules and guidelines God set in order for us leaving an extension of suffering through misunderstanding. Solution is to solve through many groups and find a God-given balance of what is right and best for everyone.


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