Friday, March 28, 2008

The Sweet Things That Shouldn't Be Forgotten

The sweet things that never should be forgotten in society are the sweetest of the best old and new memories and the culture, faith, modernism, fads or ways of thinking that change our world permanently. Sometime these things for good and sometimes for bad. No doubt, we went through many stages globally all most of the time for striving of desire. Though we shouldn't let our time be consumed with too many things that might be of more detriment to us we still also want to make use of our time with many positive things to build up the world around us in every way. This makes for a healthy world when we have positive memories and culture that just sticks to the ribs of many such as memories, cooking, playing in a band, woodworking, painting and art hobbies. Think about every time you go to the fair and see the hobbies of others, it is an actual positive thing for the mind to stay busy and function up to its greatest point of ability. This not only strengthen's our mind but our body. I know because I've been there before, though when you think you can't get enough of life it's hard to want rest, there is a need for it. So here are to the many things that never should be forgotten. Take a second thought as you stroll through the crowds at the fair and see the activies of others. There is always a buzz amongst the people isn't there? Well although there is such a point where you can be too consumed by hobbies and other things there is a balance for it as needed in all things. In order to make this a funner place for all of us, take time out also to enjoy your life, family and friends when you can also too. Though both of these things are important there is also "always" a "time for everything." Be sure to make memories that you can tell to the younger generations like a dear friend told to us tonight. Life is full of possibilites, we want to make the most out of what we have and by doing that we appreciate our lives. One day I swear a promise that there will be a new order where we all will build our own houses, garden our own food and we ne'er will have to labor for the sake of another unappreciative anymore but do our own work and be loving and kind to one another in a peaceful new world without pain. Life is about enjoying life and doing the work that we need to in order to perform the daily's tasks and needs to full accomplishment of a day's work we can be proud of. So, if you get a little stressed, remember to do something that relaxes you or causes you to take it easy more. Yet, remember how important our self-discipline is in the cruel world. Right now there is a middle class crunch and I will talk more about that soon! Until then, what I really mean in this mixed journalism is that we've been through many stages of modernisms, changes in perspectives that we should help our economy/others and then we shouldn't.., well we're still going through these stages based upon what gets accomplished by the people still today..., whatever you do most importantly don't let those important aspects of what is deep about your family's culture or heritage die out. Don't forget the jams, the pies/cakes, candle-making, wood-carving/building, bands, light shows, kereoke and much more die out. Somehow when you feel empty inside from when someone has left this world and passed away keep a part of their culture in remembrance of them when you have time for fun. Remember, this is positive for you too. These are the sweet things that provide even more perspective to our world and to our young ones also so they shouldn't be forgotten!



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