Friday, March 28, 2008

The Victorian Age World and Some Issues Now

There was a time when society was named after a queen. It's similar to the circumstance of how Virginia got it's name for example after the queen of England, Queen Elizabeth, because she was a virgin. The Queen, Victoria, would have been discribed as one strong and bold on the surface but of something with hidden inner meaning below the surface of the bold face she displayed and the particular way in which she thought and all those in the Victorian age of society thought life should be lived after her. There were a lot of social changes it was said to be during this time also. With the hum bum society helped each other out more easily at first and then quickly eased into a life of looking after themselves and their family in a main focus only rather than issues around them. They lived a bold simplistic lifestyle of a seemingly outward appearance on cleanliness or pride of living life in the Victorian order or way and lived a more hidden underlying view of life that they didn't expose to the surface. Not helping some of the problems during this time, the rich got richer, the poor, poorer and there was a crunch on the middle class as is the rumorage of much of what we hear now. It's not like it's not totally and completely true. As many of us look around us we can see much inflation. Now, this is a topic that we have been presently talking about in English class in aspect to this literature from our wonderful teacher Mr. Flynn and by our dear friend Royce who we had a wonderful conversation with tonight. It's being widely covered by an array of our people and as you can see, it's had an affect on whether we are taking caution to what we spend or how hard it is to save back what we buy. Well, there was a little history on that world then and some new issues now. The question is, how do we get past letting inflation affect us so highly? Well, we might have to work more and crunch for a while..everyone's gonna stay in shape this way huh? They can't say they won't because there is an affect of the middle class and if it affects them in a negative way the it affects the people below worse and the people above more! Try to hang in there for all of you and try to help one another stay in there if you can. Be the doors opportunity to one another and as you can see the media is trying to provide us with the job opportunities as well and we can help fill in the gaps in the areas needed. Crunch,..crunch.., crunch & munch! Although, I hope it's not that serious!

Au Revior Amies


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