Friday, March 28, 2008

World Peace Is There Such A Thing?

Thanks to Media this aspect has been covered also. Media is very important in our everyday lives. Peace is possible but some people did mention that they thought we were focusing on other countries such as Iraq or Afghanistan a little too much and that it was time to focus on ourselves. I think that both should occur on a great scale and rate. World peace is possible if the terms of war were redefined. At one time, I thought I heard that they said the troops were sort of just standing grounds and trying to help promote change over there and not kill anyone. I talked to someone from another country also once who said they didn't understand why the American's were killing in the war and I explained some concepts on the world. Well that was earlier then and I'm proud of them for doing what they are doing now if they aren't killing but promoting and helping better on more circumstancial evidence so that things aren't so hard there but that actual progress is made. There is a thing of world peace, I think Bush got a lot of heat on this, but as I stay politically neutral to sides I must say it doesn't mean I don't have an opinion at all because in truth and reality don't both sides usually bring out good points when they have their debates. I think I'll be a community activist and wherever I go I may enjoy the circumstances I have to teach people. Yet, I think we shouldn't bully anybody I do think that aiding people from other countries on the account of caring is noble yet I make a regard to being neutral to the stand of sides but that a solution similar to this should take place.. and p.s. take the heat off of Hilary because she's doing something about the world isn't she? Never should anybody get discredited for that. There: peace-mediator I am for the day!

Buenos Noches!


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