Thursday, April 10, 2008

Has God's Purpose For The Earth Changed?

Here is my talk for April 10, 2008 that I created. I would like to share it with all of you in case it comes up as a biblical question or just one of where our existance stands. Many people wonder where life begins and ends and this talk that uses the New World Translation covers it. A proven correct translation hence., if you want a copy sometimes ask for it. This is what we do on our Thursday evening Theocratic Study all the time as people. This is how hard we work for you and we do it because we love you so remember to appreciate us too! Anyhow this is kind of interesting I think if you'd like to read:

Has God’s Purpose For The Earth Changed?....

J:Hello Pamela, I noticed last time you showed some interest in a few Biblical issues. I thought we’d come back and talk about one in particular that is an issue even of world concern today. Do you personally think God’s purpose for the Earth has changed?

P:You know, I’ve thought about that before and I think God has many purposes. I think he wants us to live healthy, happy lives don’t you?

J:Well yes, I think he does also. Did you know that God mentions one main purpose though?

P:Hmm.., I don’t think I’m real familiar with the main purpose.

J:Pamela, that’s alright. I’d like to share this with you. The main particular one is stated in Genesis 1:27 & 28. Let’s explore that part of the Bible that talks about the beginning of Adam and Eve’s existence. Do you recall the paradise story of Adam and Eve?

P:Yes, I actually do recall that. I’ve heard about it more than anything but not understood completely the main purpose of the Bible.

J:Okay, I completely understand. The Bible is very complex so let’s do a little research today. Let’s go ahead & read Genesis 1:27 & 28.

Pamela I’ll go ahead & read 27 & why don’t you read 28 if you will.

P:Well you know that makes sense it’s like I said here he does want us to live happy and healthy lives. Except, there are specific instructions in the sense to fulfill it by being fruitful and to subdue it. I really like the happy go-lucky sound of these scriptures. compared to our world today, it really is different because I guess then it was perfect.

J:Right Pamela, You know God holds a favor for those who serve him in the “right” way today despite the pain striking consequences of the inherited sin in the world we live in. This favor is quoted in God’s word at Psalms 37: 9, 11. Here it is said that those having “Hope” and who are “Meek” will possess the Earth. Hope is defined as faith or belief in something of importance. Meek is being humble, compliant and submissive. So when this scripture talks about these key words it’s emphasizing the Faith and Submissiveness or loyalty we have towards doing God’s will. So as you see Pamela, there is a requirement of us in doing Jehovah God’s will.

P:This is a lot of interesting insight but this still doesn’t answer if God’s purpose has actually changed. I’m enjoying this research with you! Yet, how do I know that this was God’s permanent plan from the beginning?

J:Once Again, Pam, the best way to get to know God is through the scriptures, his word, the Bible. So let’s go ahead and find that last answer for you before I end with a brief close with you for the day. I would like to show you some final few scriptures that talks about what God will do to end the suffering now and restore the Paradise Earth to the way it was from the beginning. You see, it was disobedience that caused this change. After Adamic sin there was suffering in the world. If we keep the requirement of loyalty to our God like we talked about in Psalms 9, 11 we achieve a newly restored Paradise Earth. The setting of this Paradise Earth and the changes it brings will greatly affect us as people if we strive to do so. Let’s lastly read Revelation 21: 3-8

Pam I’ll read 3, 4, 5 & 6

P:Wow, now I can really see the true difference that God has always had this hope for those hopeful, righteous and meek for mankind. I really enjoyed studying with you!


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