Monday, January 14, 2008

Child Love, Care, Growth and Development

There are many stages and importances within a child's life but one of the most important is love. Within love there should be that nourishment and compassion and care for a young infant or baby from the very early stages onward. I like Oprah's movie about "Begin with Love," and how CIVITAS affect a child's life when the research given helps with the parenting in an enfants life through the eyes of a child. One child can makes such a difference and you never realize that until you know how much love they've really-really brought into your life and how it warms you with energetic fascination only to help them learn more and learn along the way with them in their cognitive developments. So here is a little bit of Oprah Winfrey's advice for the new mothers(I wish Melissa B. best of wishes with her little baby girl along the way because I know she'll be a wonderful mother):
Video highlights "Begin With Love":
1. Take Care of yourself once you get home from the hospital. It's important that you take care of yourself and your important relationships. This is good for you and your baby. That way no postpartum blues..
2.Provide a warm & loving environment. Your affection is key to your baby's growth and development. When your baby is happy, he is more open to learning.
3.Talk, Sing & Read to Your BABY(hence the word). The newborn brain is especially interested in sound; words and music are some of the best ways to connect with your baby.
4. Create a predictable world with routines for your baby. Providing routines, especially around sleep and feedings, let your baby know that she can depend on you. In turn, she will spend less energy fussing, and more time learning.
5.Understand & Respond To Your Baby's needs: When you respond to your baby you teach him that he can communicate his needs, building trust in you and the world around him.

The baby develops emotionally, mentally, physically, socially and in many ways will try to communicate to you and a lesson in child psychology helps you understand more about what your child needs due to the characteristics they display. Cognitive growth of the mind's development is very important. A baby of early on age eventually establishes reasoning and logic in such things when lights turn on and off and eventually accomplishes object permanence where they realize an object is still there such as car keys once they drop them.

Early stages of physical development begin with lifting the chin, chest, reaching for objects, sitting with support & head erect, sits in high chairs-grasping and playing with toys, sits alone, moves hands to knees from sitting, crawls, pulls up on furniture to stand, cruises furniture, crawls up steps, stands and balances taking few steps and eventually walks along all becoming part of the physical maturity of the child in development of growth.

Early stages of communication such as crying, ga-ga-ing and babbling are early forms of communication. A child's smile, frown, or scream let's you know if they are in dire need or content of something.

Manipulation in ability to use hands, fingers and thumbs with precision are wonderful when achieved.
Coordination in ability to make different motor skills and physical actions require use of muscles.
Gross Motor Skills are the large muscles used to move.
Piaget's Theory is one of example in the industriousness of the importance in understanding of psychology in a child's life.

All of these and the wonderful ability to sooth a child and to nurture and take care of him/her warms our hearts and children become our second chance in our world when they become seen through the eyes of our child!


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