Thursday, January 24, 2008

Governmental Authority's Importance In Our Lives

Have you ever wondered what it would be like without a government? Well, we wouldn't have any stock-market crashes or Black Thursdays or Economic degression anymore would we? ..Well no, we certainly would not have those problems but then we wouldn't have a government to protect us, our rights and the direction of our lives. The governmental authorities stand in place by God and are best for all of us even though we get an occasional speeding ticket or two..just think about what that officer is doing to change our lives? Or how many people that local fireman kept safe or rescued today? What about the judge that protects our human rights? The governmental authorities are to blame for much of the success and the people that aid them along in point of taking our life in good directions in which the people can run a government by the people in which we can have access to freedom of speech, religion and a such thing as media that helps us on the inbetweens in our lives that need to be improved. Think about how much crime and increased suffering there would be without it? Mankind would do whatever they would want to one another and get away with it. People would probably be crying their hearts and eyes out on the street and would have no way to deal with their emotional pain because they would not have access to depression medicine or companies that provided it either. Street drugs would probably roam about the streets even more heavier than before and there would probably be many deaths every second if the such word as "government" didn't exist. Government standing in place by God as an aid to the people by the people in organization to govern or rule with managing authority to take bad situations to better standing. Our government is only slightly imperfect, God's government is what steps in to bring in the perfection in all the decisions. So a human government and a government based on Godly principals put together equals something very "define" and "sacred" that we should cherish and appreciate as it is our protection and even the aid to people of other countries. In fact I would have to say due to the combination of God's governmental principals and the human governmental principals put together to be perfected is what exactly saved my life in a situation last year. Due to the amount of love that existed and moved the people, with the cooperation of all we were able to have a good experience and find Shawn Hornbeck and Ben Ownby. There is truly a story behind every individual isn't there? With it, governmental authority takes place in our lives and due to a mix of these I'm still surviving well this year and so are all of my friends and yes even my enemies if I will have any by the time I'm done. Do I? Hope not. Have you ever heard how the best way is to conquer anyone who spites you as an enemy? Break to them the real world but never stoop to their level and keep treating them with kindness. If someone has a problem with you beyond that well then I guess it is theirs to keep! Seriously., probably a story of stress or changing exploration of perspectives would solve it. Well anyhow, everyone don't abolish good governments that stand in place by god, just alter them to what is best needed for "life-giving & life living" ONLY..., because who needs warfare? Do you think there is a time we can take a stand and find that their is no eternal blisstfulness? Well it is all up to the groups of people upon the earth to achieve it. My job is just Narrator for now,..nice to meet you may I be your blessing? j/k Take it for now, save it for later, may I stress..Governmental Authority Has Grand Importance In Our Lives. It has saved mine! AND WHIP ALL EVIL DOERS!


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