Monday, January 14, 2008

Resolutions To Economic Progression

Alright! We're going to tackle this once and for all. If your working come up with personal resolutions to how you can improve your job environment ethically, environmentally and how you can change a mood of drear to a mood of cheer. For those whome it's available to work more hours find the availability to use your money as wisely as you can in creating the money flow throughout the economy because the majority of those in whom it is up to is the workers. We are having some inflations and they are doing an act of forgiveness for example for those who have gotten themselves in debt therefore the U.S. itself may be getting more in debt overall as a world-wide known country. If the media is covering the facts of Economic Problems right now what are we to do? A Copy of Pope.., a little satire shall we.?. Shall we sit like monkeys hanging from the vine of the tree or pound our chests like a Gorilla in pursuit to show authority over our nation babboons? lol j/k good right? ...Well in times of economic trouble what can we do? Let's take an educational course to understand more about the kind of economy we have, how money flow or even banks have affected the economies of the past and the economies of today. Let's link the organizational Godly government back to the standards of what should have taken place from the beginning. You know if Adam and Eve hadn't turned to a sinful course of disobeying God in their actions instead of listening we would have a self-serving Paradise where there was no economy at all but a self ran government, building projects and food growing of all sorts. How did money ever come into the picture anyhow and where did greed start taking place in the root and greeds of all evil? The existance of money and possession has actually hurt mankind overtime but wouldn't it be silly to consider deleting the money system from all the world's economies with the advances systems we have now? Is it not good that we learn best we can on various levels how to manage the world around us? Yes it is! We must take the time to understand how major corporations in the economy affect the money flow in other places and how we as people can change where we put our money or spend at certain times to balance out the economy or give it an equivalent balance of money flow. So if there were to be a possible stock market crash next time instead let's not panic and instead let's build up more securities within our economy and not such things that if we allow neglegence to them at all in the littlest bit fail. So here is our first assignment as people: We must all research an efficient plan of money use in our economy and switch up and change eating at the same restaurants from time to time so suppose that they all stay open and have an equal amount of business or that we all succeed with our basic needs in life by providing the basic needs by giving and taking from one another that in the biggest concept of all the conceptualism of communication and being benefactors to one another in ensuring one another's success and security!! If we all try to do as much as we can there is littler work for just one person and if a consistant habit takes place in many money efficient costs of credits/debits checks and balances in owner's equities, assets and liability accounts and using less debt driven commercially responsible material that can be misleading we come out more successful as an economy! Cha-cha-cha-cha Bonsoir Monsieurs! Bonsoir Mademoiselles!


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