Friday, December 21, 2007

Friends, Friends, Friends

Remember that you can never have too many friends in life. Never take any of them for granted. I've been looking around me lately and what I see brings sorrow to my eyes for those who are suffering and joy to those who are still doing well. We have been just recently visiting the local area Dissen Farm Supply Feed Stores, Dissen Repair(my Uncle Ronnie Owns), and Backes & Toelke. The people involved were all doing well as usual. They were little private business get-together's to promote their business which was doing pretty well yet from the way it sounded and you know I realized how much I missed those people within the few days of visiting them went. All the local people seem to be doing fairly well yet but one thing that's been buggin me is those friends at our local kingdom hall that are going through trials and tribulations. I just want to give them a big hug to encourage them to keep up their efforts in not giving up despite what they're dealing with. It's moved me to write this article because I know a couple of them have gotten caught up in situations where they deserved better. You know with the heart disease/trouble, the cancer and the many other minor problems out there how can we find our primary cause for what spurs the trouble and how can we help it? Well I know these dear loved ones are suffering and I have a really good idea and it will take everyone to cooperate. It's not like the people who sell the antibiotics will be out of a bunch more money but our treatment and care to those for whom are suffering needs to be more compassionate and regulated. We all need to work together to make sure within our economy that we aren't just on medicine that our bodies are learning to depend on while our bodies having our own internal medicines to defeat it is left helpless when it comes to being striked with something big. Antibiotics work best given the stronger dose the first time instead of a regular low dose over which that period can break down your immune system. I've seen this happen to people around me before. I don't know what all the Hippocratic Oath includes but it doesn't include helping people to hurt them a little bit more and help them again putting their body through an overall wearing period in which I am not kidding I have been studying some doctors to do! The Hippocratic Oath I thought with the doctors was an oath to heal people but it should also be to treat them with compassion in which people probably shouldn't complain about the oath because it probably protected them to begin with. I have noticed with this issue we have a lot of wonderful stars but if we're given special treatment so special that we end up having another problem because of it? It should be known by the third or fourth time as a concrete study that it's the fact the body has a natural balance and ability to produce antibodies on its own. When the body cannot help itself to a point of over 3-4 days or there are situations where if not on antibiotics it will spread amongst people then it is need otherwise. Yet, we need to teach our bodies our self independency through our intakes of Vitamin C, Vitamin B and some of it's other nutritional needs along with a mix of a good diet and balance where we are eating enough of the right foods that it doesn't cause us to have headaches. For these few people who are having problems, is my declaration..: Take it easy , keep your nutrition within yourself as much as possible, do things to encourage yourself throughout your situations, if it is a trial for you take it as a challenge and work with it as much as you can, remind people to be compassionate toward you and we will comfort you all the while straightening out the human balance to have less of this. There is a God-given balance let me remind you to begin with that is naturally in place with the right nutrition and enough medication for those stress related factors that you shouldn't allow to build on you too much to cause a disease. Depakote or another medication is good for severe headaches and such as bipolar. This drug has worken well with me through blood tests that I have taken. If your on any depression medication have them take tests or test your own reaction to it to begin with and if you have a lot of bad side affects it may not be for you so it may be best to switch to another that works better for you. You can have a lot of environmental stress or pressure on you that a doctor might give you anti-psychotic or may even give you medication for O.D.D that they usually use respidal for. If your looking for some safe drug medications try these out if your having stress, depression or Oppositional Defiant Disorder because I have tested these out and they have worked good for me! Taking antibiotics or hormonal intake without building up your immune system with Vitamin C or antibiotics over a period of time can cause cancer, yet cancer usually occurs after the immune system is shot so this is your best defense! Overall health occurs best in our nutrition, enough of the amount of Vitamic C or Acidophilus which helps best with immunity amongst regular activities of exercise and such that teaches your body its adaptation to the environment around it. Vitamin B Complex is good for necessary Energy Production and supports you healthy nervous system while Vitamin B-12 is good for Red Blood Cell Development if you would have such problems with shortness of breath or heart trouble this may be a vitamin for you. Vitamins usually don't interact bad with your medications, you might want to look at any of your medication warnings that your doctor might give you but I have taken them with the Depakote and Respidal and it hasn't hurt me a bit. I can take up to a 1000 milligrams a day along with a Vitamin C and Vitamin B or B-12 at the time that I switch off to make sure that it doesn't hurt me. Be careful with some depression medications because you don't necessarily want the ones that make you feel suicidal and if so they are probably just not the best ones for you. It's actually very statistical but like I said just as there is a balance in our ecosystems that our conservations manage it is up to us to healthily manage ourselves so that the same God-given balance we had when we were born is there with us for as long as it can be. A lot of health problems can start without it.


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