Friday, December 21, 2007

Beware of Fortune Tellers and Such Similar

Hey, I just watched Montel and I absolutely love all the shows the previous times before but there is this woman on there that is similar to that of a fortune teller and she is deceiving people even about their own naturally occurring lives. Everything she says they don't know for sure, but worst of all she just got done telling this lady that a jerk is the one who took her rings..I turned it off because I can never stand it when she says all this when she's on there because I feel she is deceiving people. Worst of all she might learn what she know through demonic sources if it is true for all we know but there is literal sensibility she talks from on half of it and literal other whether it's guessing, deceiving or demonic sources it is causing anyone gullible to fall to it probably heartache and if not could later on! Please be careful and research something before you believe it,.huge misunderstandings happen all the time!


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