Wednesday, April 25, 2007

You're My Benefactor and I Am Yours

Things are so very difficult for us at times but what can we do to help ourselves pull through it? Well, we actually can help ourselves by helping others and making the world a better place all in one only by keeping more of that example that Jesus set with his disciples when he said: "Your are my disciples," your my to speak towards accomplishing the will of Jehovah and also towards yourselves accomplishing what is good towards all. Taking this Bible counsel and actually using it has done wonders for me with myself and others numerously every day. If everyone did this imagine how much less crime their would be? Everyone would look after one another and that actually is what some do. Not a bad concept huh? Well amazingly it works with everyone if they have a unique ability to take persistance and keep working with problems for the better of ALL~ that is not selfishly just themselves of anything. Most of all this displays love amongst ourselves and shows the good heart we all really do have as individuals. I cannot even begin to tell you the rewarding things that it brings you! Yet, I have to go but I must try to bring this idea to considereation being I've done it a million times already! It's actually alot of fun..i'll help you if you'll help me and we'll make life easier for each other in it's most difficult circumstances..I have some pretty important stuff to write so hopefully I'll get that done in the next couple of days. But do me a favor.., remember what I've said and try applying it to some idears ya have around you and see what greatly improves the happiness in your'll love it! Brainstorm on it though! Smiles for all!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Writing Poetry

Many love to write, learn, sing and dance. Why not love doing it all? It's amazingly beautiful to live and understand life to it's fullest extents yet may I caution everyone to be careful to never live to such a full extent that it would be life-risking causing an additional increase to the already rising premature death rates all over the world due to many, many, many individualistic causes. Also I'd like to ask if any viewers would like to read my poetry at and enter the name Jessica for the first name and Gerl for the second name. Hopefully some of the poems I've written back for others and to others will eventually make sense as may goal will continually be to help the world as much as I can with a deepest and most sincere love from the heart!

What is God's Will?

From the very beginning Jehovah God had a pre-existance and had created the earth, a day and night and then the wild beasts of the field. The Bible is just like an immensely wise and wonderful storybook filled with the wisest lessons from characters and an overall theme towards a restoration of a perfect paradise earth once again. Man merely cannot write a book that could ever be precise as this...find the right version of the New World Translation where the meaning hasn't been changed and your set!
Jehovah created day and night the seas and he saw it as good and saw his creation as good so on the seventh day he took a rest of which is the sabbath day or day of his observance or worship as our creator. He created Adam and then took the rib from Adam and created Eve. While living the perfect life on a Paradise Earth Jehovah as their loving heavenly father only gave them one warning, "Do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad for the day that you do this you will positively die." Why did God give such a commandment? Well it was clear to the first earthly human couple, yet it was there to act as a safeguard for when bad angels in heaven rebelled and were cast down from heaven the leader namely Satan and the benefactors being his demons. Living life happily one day a serpent snake had come to Eve and told her that eating from the tree of knowledge of good and bad would cause her to be like God. He urged her to go ahead and eat it. Considering God's words, Eve ate and got her husband to eat as well even after shortly considering those clear words of warning which were placed lovingly to prevent them as the first couple of the sheer inheritance of sin they would soon have due to the disobedience and somewhat decievance at their own free will of choice in which they suffered Adamic sin for the rest of history to come for the descendants of their children's children for generations. Before Jesus Christ's Ransom Sacrifice actual sacrifices of adornment and worship were offered to God and somewhat stood for the atonement of sin then until Jehovah brought his son forth in creation first in heaven and then to the womb of Mary the husband of Joseph to fulfill a great and lasting role on earth. Jesus came to be a living and dying example through his well known death in which made atonement of one perfect man's life for many imperfect indiviuals of mankind on the earth from that time hereforward. It hurt Jehovah and Jesus both through this and later on Jesus was resurrected and served once again at the right hand of God to aid him in the restoration back to his paradise which began already in a definite for-sure known state since 1914. Since then Jesus has been part of destroying the wicked and the the first resurrection of those in memorial tombs shortly taking place after Jesus will have destroyed all wicked with his benefactors or good angels of the anointed class or the heavenly government designed to overlook the restored paradise earth as sheperds watching over flocks of sheep must do once it is restored. All occurrences beheld I have seen with mine own eyes have come true so far and I have even been so blessed to be part of the fulfillment of God's purpose through his ministry work of which many now look at as annoying but an actual life-saving work in all circumstances for some that have been misled in which we bring truth. God's war to end wickedness will then take place as Harmageddon or Armageddon, God's war comes into view and all promised mankind will see for themselves fulfilled as he will eventually wipe out every tear from our eyes when we work all together to become a righteous or good and loving people with desire to live right in which accordingly to Jehovah's will and accomplishments towards what is becoming an even better society and world already amidst still much wickedness that blinds many innocent hearted ones to a point of disgust, hate and anguish of the horrible realities that some know as the world of today. It's almost here: Christ's presence has already come like the presence of lightning and a sword of the mouth to destroy all that tries to destroy the true words of the Bible and with much warning may I let all take out of love for every individual who won't be overlooked because God along with Jesus knows every action and motivation of the heart even tho things are not predestined. We're on our way to restoration now so please don't let it come to you as a snare because showing up on a doorstep is making sure you know the truth about the future to come.

Is There a Such Thing as Demon Harassment?..

An unusual topic I know to many may be issues of concern or nonconcern towards whether or not they can see dead loved ones, whether they talk to them, why some houses or bridges are considered to be haunted, and why some of such seeming to be spirits have harassed many individuals or portrayed such as a loved one or friend they knew. Out of Love: Warning and Beware because I want you all to know as individuals that much deceivance happens in this world including the 1) supposed explanations about dead loved ones coming back to visit or tell us something 2) Certain oddities of what some individuals consider to be haunted 3) Many videos and books that may seem to be completely harmless but have links to the slightest bit of sorcery or communication with demons which can lead to demon communication or harassment all of which can play havack on a person from my own personal studies. I just talked to a friend the other day who said she lived in a haunted house. Another individual who said they thought they saw their dead loved one stand over the sink and get a glass of water to drink and many other activities that are proven to happen amongst people after connections with Wedgie boards, demonistic movies, sorcery or communication with fortune tellers or foreseers of the future. I know it sounds wierd but take concern as individuals to be alert because some have had to literally move in some cases to escape activities they could not control happening in their own household or seeing a person or what is really a bad spirit or demon that perceives itself to be good is one of Satan's benefactor's working along with him in taking part of spreading the wickedness in this world. It all plays back to the very beginning where the serpent snake deceives Adam and Eve who choose to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad from the very beginning when forewarned by God not to; causing their own judgment of adamic sin passed on to their descendents of children us and much more spread wickedness until the ransom of Jesus Christ's Sacrifice later on to cover many imperfect man's sins and give them another chance to prove themselves as individuals their obedience to God. Satan and his Demons who "used to be" good angels were cast down from heaven when rebelience of disobedience to God they gave causing the decievance of Adam and Eve and much turmoil amongst generations to come of mankind. Truly the mind of any individual today suffers many abuses due to the unnaturalness of the wickedness in today's world all of which was caused by disobedience to God in the first place but now it's our job as loving individuals to change history's biggest mistake after centuries of mankind warring against one another is our chance to show God that we want to be loving, obedient and righteouss people so we can be a part of the earthly paradise he is in process of now restoring since the very beginning of creating his son, Jesus. Yes that is Jesus is destroying the wickedness along with his angels today and Har*mageddon or Armageddon (God's war) will be ending all wickedness through righteouss efforts in this world once and for all!! I tell you this with the most sincerity of words!

The Causes Behind School Threats and Massacres

As all of you well know the Virginia Massacre has just happened and as of the updated events on the news thousands are showing support and you know I have to say that I'm proud of all the individuals in this country for doing this because we will stand more firm and more stable with much more love amongst ourselves. Many had loved ones in this massacre so a good question for all of us is 'What are the many causes behind school threats and massacres?' Well first things first, most have experienced throughout years of school or life segregatory, social statuses, sterotyping, bullying and manipulation. Many of these characteristics are all just part of what consists to be the scramble of life. Sometimes the scramble is so big that one individual may manipulate the other or one may stereotype or set a young one apart from others based on an uncool fad or pick of dislike, bullying, picking and judgmentalness of others are all many obstacles we have to face overcoming when growing up. So what goes wrong with the characteristics of these situations. Well life say it to be definitely has it's rollercoasters and some of the worst if we are not careful as people. Truly understanding those rollercoasters, the 'good' and the 'bad' of life helps us to prevent many unfortunate circumstances for others and we all have the power to do that for one another. Does it not sad all of us to be grieving many lost cherished lives or a life or a loved one that we know? Our societies sometimes have breakdowns amongst people and one way of preventing this and the extremities of such results of situation of massacres such as these consist of showing love for one another. I know you may say 'what?' Well what does love have to do with it? Being loving people helps us to become self-sacrificing in helping others when we can. The easiest way we can do this is to have our friends look out for us and we ourselves look out for our friends, creating an environment of unity, not of discouragement but encouragement by showing that we care for one another thus preventing circumstances such as these. Amazingly though all that love toward individuals can change "IF" we allow it "AND" here is where we take caution as loving individuals: -We don't taunt one-another, -We don't manipulate one another out of frustration of heart or desire, -We don't make ourselves look good at the expense of other individuals, -We don't judge, pick and prod to a snoddy attitude -We don't make others feel insecure because we are at the time. -We don't harass one another to points of breaking down another purposely SADLY: Most of these situations result from the smallest usual awarenesses of one individual who may start out good-hearted can change due to the slightest impulse of feeling different or stereotyped in a group out from others, grow from a small seed of a feeling of hate and opposition to a complete outrage after bottling much of the toleration of it in until they are totally and completely sick acting out in horrendous violences such as these. Be Aware Loved Ones of Today's World: What We Actually Do Really Matters!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I feel like I have to say this today for everyone here at Union,..It's been a hard day and for those who knew Justin Sutterer it makes it even harder. I was just on my way to 4th hour when I was in the bathroom and talked to two of his friends..all of a sudden sometimes it just hits you and you can't help but to cry. Justin was someone I knew also growing up he was brave, strong intellectual and loved to hang out with his buddies. He loved the dirtbikes, motor-cross and many other radical sports. Sometime someone you know has such a love for something that you can't change it and many of his friends and families are dealing with a sudden loss of him. It's hard sometimes with life because there comes so many pains and yet joys along with memories too. Sometimes it's best to keep the good memories. Those who know Justin well knew his accident was in the midst of doing something he loved. Growing up,.. knowing him an accident was always one of my biggest fears for him even though he loved the sports he was involved in so well. I can imagine what his mother is going through right now as she probably realizes how the loss of her son, a mother's biggest fear may change her life. Still the family members and friends to Justin Sutterer will try to show their support by putting Justin's racing number in the back of their car windows with chalk. His number was 307. Justin was always active and so completely full of energy and life to those who knew him and to his loss it's such a loss. One of his friends, a girl namely said that today it felt so weird as she drove to school alone where Justin wasn't with her anymore.. and Justin always being so vibrant even affected his teachers and those who weren't even that close to him at all. He knew many people and had fun at many things. One of our Union teachers expressed her concern to her students today along with many of the other teachers, "I know it's hard if your dealing with the loss of Justin," as she walked out of a room and began to start to cry in pain of memory shortly of his presence in her 2nd hour class just a time before. Must I say to all of those you love, be sure to cherish those around you because sometime things befall us all that we never would have expected and please be sure to love your neighbor dearly.