Thursday, April 15, 2021

Questions, Queries And Answers!!

 Ok, So You Know How There IS Suffering? Well That is a Result of Sin.  Because We Sin We Suffer! It's Not Betty Jean or Judy's or Suzy's fault.  Instead We Must Own Our Own Decisions and Account for Our Own Sin By Our Own Decisions INSTEAD OF Being Easily Influenced By Our Neighbors.  First, 

1) We Must Know Gods /Rules About Sin

2) We Must Recognize the Wicked Will Get Destroyed

3) We Must Recognize That Sinning Results In Death

4) My New Favorite Scripture is Romans 1:28-32 For Condoning Sin

5) We Must Be Held Accountable to Our Own Decisions and Take Ownership of Them!

Let Me Give You A Good Example:

#1) If the News & Other Media Lies Misinforming the World....the World Makes Mistakes, Dies Because of Them and Thus News Media Should Be Held Accountable for Murder.  See because they lied they are then guilty of death and if you do not repent from that in God's World You Do Not Inherit Heaven.

#2) Say a Policeman, Doctor or Other Authority-Figure Takes Advantage of the Small Mistakes of Other People and Forces Them to Do Rigorous Programs That Costs Thousands and The Individual Does Not Have Any Money Left To Provide For Their Needs Such As Food and Shelter...This 1 For You Kids Who are  Naive`. Not Everybody is Your Friend and As You Grow Older You Figure Out They Were Never Your Friend At ALL.

#3) So Not Only Should We Have Well-Balanced Societies to Be Successful But We Should Also Be Well-Balanced in Our Spending.  Because Those Bills Will Come in Regardless We Must Learn to Save For Necessities Such as Food & Shelter, To Pay Only What is Owed and Fairly Earned Because We Are Given Life And Granted Rights Through Not Only Our God-Given World But in the Constitution.  We SHOULD NOT ROB ONE ANOTHER OF LIFE!!!!

#4) Another Example, Say An Angry Boyfriend Murders His Girlfriend??  The dissipation of many family(domestic) disputes end up in murder that has a domino-effect of more murders because of the 1 sin against the innocent girl.  People grieve and there is nothing wrong with that. BUT-When We Commit A MURDER It IS SIN!!! Murdering is 1 of those things that is not only a bad idea to do because of the Law and the Criminal Justice Systems penal acts on the committing but It is also Hellfire and Second Death of Fire for Anyone Who Does Not Turn Back From That Or Any Grievous Sin.  Beware Girls this is the A-typical thing that Happens to US!!!

This is just my little brain everyday watching y'all making some mistakes and these are my thoughts! No-one is Perfect But I Swear to You That Sinning Causes Death So For You And Your Family's Sake Follow the Word of God and Law!!!! Stay In God's Love and Sit Down and Discuss Your Feelings With the Respect of God Between the Both of You! (My Personal Marriage Advice) Me? I don't think I'll ever be married. I'm too boyish like a man!!!

Now, I'm Not Going To Say I'm Perfect.  I'm just Going To Say, "You Know Nothing Enough About My Personal Life To Persecute Me!"  Most Times We Do Stuff That Other People Don't Understand But Is Fitting and Makes Sense For Our Personal Situation.  Sometimes Stress and Anxiety is the Biggest Murderer Alone!  But Let ME REBUKE In the Arms of the Lord and Heavenly Father!!! Believe it Or Not I DO Always Keep God Close and Remember His Laws! But I'm in a different game making sacrifices for everyone else and playing dirty to earn it all! So just let me be and let me make a way like Jesus Did!!!

Audios Yall!  

Remember: God's Word and His Works Are What Saves and Redeems!!! 


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