Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Is There a Such Thing as Demon Harassment?..

An unusual topic I know to many may be issues of concern or nonconcern towards whether or not they can see dead loved ones, whether they talk to them, why some houses or bridges are considered to be haunted, and why some of such seeming to be spirits have harassed many individuals or portrayed such as a loved one or friend they knew. Out of Love: Warning and Beware because I want you all to know as individuals that much deceivance happens in this world including the 1) supposed explanations about dead loved ones coming back to visit or tell us something 2) Certain oddities of what some individuals consider to be haunted 3) Many videos and books that may seem to be completely harmless but have links to the slightest bit of sorcery or communication with demons which can lead to demon communication or harassment all of which can play havack on a person from my own personal studies. I just talked to a friend the other day who said she lived in a haunted house. Another individual who said they thought they saw their dead loved one stand over the sink and get a glass of water to drink and many other activities that are proven to happen amongst people after connections with Wedgie boards, demonistic movies, sorcery or communication with fortune tellers or foreseers of the future. I know it sounds wierd but take concern as individuals to be alert because some have had to literally move in some cases to escape activities they could not control happening in their own household or seeing a person or what is really a bad spirit or demon that perceives itself to be good is one of Satan's benefactor's working along with him in taking part of spreading the wickedness in this world. It all plays back to the very beginning where the serpent snake deceives Adam and Eve who choose to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad from the very beginning when forewarned by God not to; causing their own judgment of adamic sin passed on to their descendents of children us and much more spread wickedness until the ransom of Jesus Christ's Sacrifice later on to cover many imperfect man's sins and give them another chance to prove themselves as individuals their obedience to God. Satan and his Demons who "used to be" good angels were cast down from heaven when rebelience of disobedience to God they gave causing the decievance of Adam and Eve and much turmoil amongst generations to come of mankind. Truly the mind of any individual today suffers many abuses due to the unnaturalness of the wickedness in today's world all of which was caused by disobedience to God in the first place but now it's our job as loving individuals to change history's biggest mistake after centuries of mankind warring against one another also..now is our chance to show God that we want to be loving, obedient and righteouss people so we can be a part of the earthly paradise he is in process of now restoring since the very beginning of creating his son, Jesus. Yes that is Jesus is destroying the wickedness along with his angels today and Har*mageddon or Armageddon (God's war) will be ending all wickedness through righteouss efforts in this world once and for all!! I tell you this with the most sincerity of words!


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