Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What is God's Will?

From the very beginning Jehovah God had a pre-existance and had created the earth, a day and night and then the wild beasts of the field. The Bible is just like an immensely wise and wonderful storybook filled with the wisest lessons from characters and an overall theme towards a restoration of a perfect paradise earth once again. Man merely cannot write a book that could ever be precise as this...find the right version of the New World Translation where the meaning hasn't been changed and your set!
Jehovah created day and night the seas and he saw it as good and saw his creation as good so on the seventh day he took a rest of which is the sabbath day or day of his observance or worship as our creator. He created Adam and then took the rib from Adam and created Eve. While living the perfect life on a Paradise Earth Jehovah as their loving heavenly father only gave them one warning, "Do not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad for the day that you do this you will positively die." Why did God give such a commandment? Well it was clear to the first earthly human couple, yet it was there to act as a safeguard for when bad angels in heaven rebelled and were cast down from heaven the leader namely Satan and the benefactors being his demons. Living life happily one day a serpent snake had come to Eve and told her that eating from the tree of knowledge of good and bad would cause her to be like God. He urged her to go ahead and eat it. Considering God's words, Eve ate and got her husband to eat as well even after shortly considering those clear words of warning which were placed lovingly to prevent them as the first couple of the sheer inheritance of sin they would soon have due to the disobedience and somewhat decievance at their own free will of choice in which they suffered Adamic sin for the rest of history to come for the descendants of their children's children for generations. Before Jesus Christ's Ransom Sacrifice actual sacrifices of adornment and worship were offered to God and somewhat stood for the atonement of sin then until Jehovah brought his son forth in creation first in heaven and then to the womb of Mary the husband of Joseph to fulfill a great and lasting role on earth. Jesus came to be a living and dying example through his well known death in which made atonement of one perfect man's life for many imperfect indiviuals of mankind on the earth from that time hereforward. It hurt Jehovah and Jesus both through this and later on Jesus was resurrected and served once again at the right hand of God to aid him in the restoration back to his paradise which began already in a definite for-sure known state since 1914. Since then Jesus has been part of destroying the wicked and the the first resurrection of those in memorial tombs shortly taking place after Jesus will have destroyed all wicked with his benefactors or good angels of the anointed class or the heavenly government designed to overlook the restored paradise earth as sheperds watching over flocks of sheep must do once it is restored. All occurrences beheld I have seen with mine own eyes have come true so far and I have even been so blessed to be part of the fulfillment of God's purpose through his ministry work of which many now look at as annoying but an actual life-saving work in all circumstances for some that have been misled in which we bring truth. God's war to end wickedness will then take place as Harmageddon or Armageddon, God's war comes into view and all promised mankind will see for themselves fulfilled as he will eventually wipe out every tear from our eyes when we work all together to become a righteous or good and loving people with desire to live right in which accordingly to Jehovah's will and accomplishments towards what is becoming an even better society and world already amidst still much wickedness that blinds many innocent hearted ones to a point of disgust, hate and anguish of the horrible realities that some know as the world of today. It's almost here: Christ's presence has already come like the presence of lightning and a sword of the mouth to destroy all that tries to destroy the true words of the Bible and with much warning may I let all take out of love for every individual who won't be overlooked because God along with Jesus knows every action and motivation of the heart even tho things are not predestined. We're on our way to restoration now so please don't let it come to you as a snare because showing up on a doorstep is making sure you know the truth about the future to come.


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