Wednesday, October 07, 2020

I'm For Trump-Pence: Here is Why

I'm definitely not interested in politics. I'm not a Democrat nor Republican but I most closely adhere to Republicans because of their values. I know they are conservative enough not to raise taxes and I think if a Democrat gets in office something called inflation will sky-rocket! Now, I'm really not against anybody and I do know how President Trump Is Not Perfect but He Comes Close To It.  The Problem is that if we have inflation we once again cannot afford anything for Our American Families.  Also, under Trump-Pence I aided the help of Inter-relations for better treatment of Latinos and African American's Around the World.  I worry that if Our Borders Open Back Up Our Safety Will Be At Risk to The Infiltration of Crimes that "If We Allow" them to Happen that We Are Looking At Terrorist Attacks on the Increase Again.  We Have Always Cared. I Helped Him Secure Our Country & the 1 Thing I Do Have To Say "Is" That if a Democrat Gets into Office I hope They Consider These Things Wisely and Consider How It Affects Not Only America But the Outside World.  Although, I Do Not Support Slander I Do Support Movements for Human Rights for People All Around the World Stemming From Our Country to Others as a Project Out of The Goodness of the Commander In Chief.  Learn that by Us as a World being Omiscient or "Learning Truths" Teaches Us To Learn New Things and Teach Ourselves New Character About How To Deal With Life!  💗💗💗🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷💋 No Matter What Happens Let's Fight For Life and Humanity For Us ALL!!!!!

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