Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I feel like I have to say this today for everyone here at Union,..It's been a hard day and for those who knew Justin Sutterer it makes it even harder. I was just on my way to 4th hour when I was in the bathroom and talked to two of his friends..all of a sudden sometimes it just hits you and you can't help but to cry. Justin was someone I knew also growing up he was brave, strong intellectual and loved to hang out with his buddies. He loved the dirtbikes, motor-cross and many other radical sports. Sometime someone you know has such a love for something that you can't change it and many of his friends and families are dealing with a sudden loss of him. It's hard sometimes with life because there comes so many pains and yet joys along with memories too. Sometimes it's best to keep the good memories. Those who know Justin well knew his accident was in the midst of doing something he loved. Growing up,.. knowing him an accident was always one of my biggest fears for him even though he loved the sports he was involved in so well. I can imagine what his mother is going through right now as she probably realizes how the loss of her son, a mother's biggest fear may change her life. Still the family members and friends to Justin Sutterer will try to show their support by putting Justin's racing number in the back of their car windows with chalk. His number was 307. Justin was always active and so completely full of energy and life to those who knew him and to his loss it's such a loss. One of his friends, a girl namely said that today it felt so weird as she drove to school alone where Justin wasn't with her anymore.. and Justin always being so vibrant even affected his teachers and those who weren't even that close to him at all. He knew many people and had fun at many things. One of our Union teachers expressed her concern to her students today along with many of the other teachers, "I know it's hard if your dealing with the loss of Justin," as she walked out of a room and began to start to cry in pain of memory shortly of his presence in her 2nd hour class just a time before. Must I say to all of those you love, be sure to cherish those around you because sometime things befall us all that we never would have expected and please be sure to love your neighbor dearly.


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