Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Causes Behind School Threats and Massacres

As all of you well know the Virginia Massacre has just happened and as of the updated events on the news thousands are showing support and you know I have to say that I'm proud of all the individuals in this country for doing this because we will stand more firm and more stable with much more love amongst ourselves. Many had loved ones in this massacre so a good question for all of us is 'What are the many causes behind school threats and massacres?' Well first things first, most have experienced throughout years of school or life segregatory, social statuses, sterotyping, bullying and manipulation. Many of these characteristics are all just part of what consists to be the scramble of life. Sometimes the scramble is so big that one individual may manipulate the other or one may stereotype or set a young one apart from others based on an uncool fad or pick of dislike, bullying, picking and judgmentalness of others are all many obstacles we have to face overcoming when growing up. So what goes wrong with the characteristics of these situations. Well life say it to be definitely has it's rollercoasters and some of the worst if we are not careful as people. Truly understanding those rollercoasters, the 'good' and the 'bad' of life helps us to prevent many unfortunate circumstances for others and we all have the power to do that for one another. Does it not sad all of us to be grieving many lost cherished lives or a life or a loved one that we know? Our societies sometimes have breakdowns amongst people and one way of preventing this and the extremities of such results of situation of massacres such as these consist of showing love for one another. I know you may say 'what?' Well what does love have to do with it? Being loving people helps us to become self-sacrificing in helping others when we can. The easiest way we can do this is to have our friends look out for us and we ourselves look out for our friends, creating an environment of unity, not of discouragement but encouragement by showing that we care for one another thus preventing circumstances such as these. Amazingly though all that love toward individuals can change "IF" we allow it "AND" here is where we take caution as loving individuals: -We don't taunt one-another, -We don't manipulate one another out of frustration of heart or desire, -We don't make ourselves look good at the expense of other individuals, -We don't judge, pick and prod to a snoddy attitude -We don't make others feel insecure because we are at the time. -We don't harass one another to points of breaking down another purposely SADLY: Most of these situations result from the smallest usual awarenesses of one individual who may start out good-hearted can change due to the slightest impulse of feeling different or stereotyped in a group out from others, grow from a small seed of a feeling of hate and opposition to a complete outrage after bottling much of the toleration of it in until they are totally and completely sick acting out in horrendous violences such as these. Be Aware Loved Ones of Today's World: What We Actually Do Really Matters!


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