Friday, November 20, 2015

The Heart Condition: Physical vs. Figurative

Some may wonder what kind of heart condition I am talking about.  Is it a everyday health problem such as a murmur or something of the sort of depression.  If you really want to know...

I would like to define the two types of heart conditions for you!!!

The Physical Heart   The Heart is the core muscle that pumps blood for the body.  It has an Aorta and several capillaries & veins and it provides oxygen and works with the brain.

The Figurative Heart The Figurative Heart is a response to the situations a brain perceives.  Most often we'd like to think of these perspectives that have an effect on our body and the way we feel through our senses and emotions.

If you think with a figurative heart and are constantly emotionally driven chances are your perspectives when you speak are emotionally driven and without logic due to other's responses and lack of using logos or logic.  Many times this is common.  But just as with a kid brain an individual can fail to see the intellect within the situations presented to them. 

They say there is a difference in a child brain and an adult brain.  We all mature at different rates based upon the individual.  However, just like the adult brain vs. the child brain words such as rape to a normal brain and a rapist brain have a different emotional response in the frontal lobriac.  A rapist however doesn't have a change when the word is stated to them.  The response therefore between an adult brain and a kid brain is its trained perspective.  Whereas the difference between a normal brain and a rapists brain is an emotional response.  Sometimes trained sometimes not and poor social skills.  Thus, therefore we must look at the sociological perspective of discipline vs. reward or incentive in the one's life. 

Many times all of this is due to poor interdeveloped social skills, knowledge, ability or an overpowering and indulgence which is just the opposite. 

**That is why it is very important the way we train and change and adhere to changes in our belief system or psychological perspective.  WE AS INDIVIDUALS MUST BE SELECTIVE IN OUR ADVICE. 

Often times, we are the ones that know what best adheres to our makeup and then it is a professionals choice to work with us to develop those skills spurring growth!!!

Many times an individual, myself being one of them; can suffer stifling growth based upon the personal basis of others which is when it is best not to get too interinvolved.

What can you say!?!

A true friend is a friend for life!!!

But NEVER let your treacherous heart betray you!!!


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