Monday, July 13, 2015

The Object of Healing!

When Jesus used the words from his spoken accounts he meant to say that there was healing in God's temple & work.  It meant he rewarded his servants for doing the Faith and Fine Works.  In today's society many times you might go see someone due to issues with health.  It is good to be selective and do your research.  The cures are out there and there is work and more research to be done.  For example, when advancing in your health marketplace to look for the right doctor you are going to want one that works and listens to you!! If they are forceful with you chances are there are some motives that need to be looked into.  In all cases, when in doctoring you can change the make-up of the body and how it responds to things with the protein products that we call medicine or many times anti-biotics!!! However, with that being the case; medicines that are being advanced can have imperfections.  What we also have to be careful about is that it is not just human imperfection as well!  If you think there are some mistakes being made be Smart & get a Second Opinion!  However, even in Cancer now.  They have medicines that are supposed to target the cancerous cells and annihilate them.   The object of healing is to remember the Hippocratic Oath.  When we do this we have the opportunity to help another and even though trying and difficult at times the reward is far greater!  You just might have to throw some maneuvering and math in there but it's possible to get a good workplace!


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