Friday, November 20, 2015

Security Vs. Privacy: The Integrity of Our Organizations: Business Planning Talk

I Jessica Gerlemann stand as a gatekeeper in my organizations and make things fair for other people thus paving the way for myself. 

Gatekeepers secure the privacy of organizations, entity or businesses, & that of the individual!

I learned long ago that when one's rights are infringed upon that means someone is trying to break the integrity of one of these 3 above examples.

In social barriers we most often run amuck and problems begin to grow among us due to the balance of the integrity of our organizations and how much power we allow them to have over us!

Many times people become angered at what the actions are at one another and usually it is due to the unbalance of power and the lack of enforcement of laws protecting either the organizations, entity/businesses, or individuals privacy. 

Legislatively specifications need to be set in making the laws of how to run the businesses of the 3 examples!

Judicially actions need to be made in the courts to enforce the respectability of the balance of these 3 examples.

Execute the imbalances of individual's rights being infringed upon!!!

Believe it or not;
The balance of the government must also exist in the individual's life so that the individual has an opportunity to thrive & thus attain a contribution to the outside World!

Plausability, Skepticism, & the amount of Risk involved in making judicial decisions are best done by our wisest judges! 

How Vulnerable Are We?

Persuasion and gullibility are often done by those who criminalize or intend to criminalize you!!

However, a Citizen, or Good Samaritan has the ability to instead use their use of resources so that they can contribute their work to the balance, integrity, & execution in a programmable sense to produce a better outside world due to the actions they take in their respectability to run and attribute to the outside World!!!



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