Sunday, November 15, 2015

World-Wide Support For Non-Emotional Objectives Yet Sympathetic Viewpoints For Understanding An Individual's Outside Resources & Environment

Many times because of our necessities and resources in a given location jealousy arises over the ability to acquire one's riches, home or even beliefs in one's country.  The Ten Commandments that represent America and fighting for its Freedom & Legacy are based upon not breaking these Bible standards due to the factual evidences of crime and past war situations in which the tally of lives lost were very high! Fatalities almost always occur no matter the efforts towards ending violence because in the end the most who sacrifice for the legacies we believe in sometimes lose their lives due to the situation of their circumstances in fighting for it.  Sometimes Trial & Tribulation & Death before Life is what occurs for more unfortunate people in other lands. To KNOW DEATH & LIFE & How it Exists and the characteristics of how our society and economic environments operate is Essential.  Having Faith in a Good, Fair, & Just World is essential as long as it does not trigger unnecessary advances towards psychological improprieties!  A World-Wide Network of Friendship & Alliance to prevent World Violence is Needed for America to Love it's Neighbor's although rather not risking the security of the Countries in which the Network exists.  So When do you call an act of violence an "infringement" of rights to an individual in the Court of law? Given, in all circumstances, wariness of one's adversaries is recommended or One Party most often Unfairly takes advantage of the Other!!!My Friends- Remember how lucky you are to acquire the love of your God.  Nothing is perfect and we can't put full-proof faith in one another to not make mistakes because it is the equivalency of playing a dangerous game of Russian Roulet!  However, we can changed the way we act to Terrorism.  If we have World-Wide Support for Bible Standards and following the Ten Commandments & Respecting and Loving Our Neighbors Unprejudiced and in Fair Judicial Environments we don't need to War.  However, Our Societies depend upon a working government full of people who +Need to Make an Effort to Improve things.  The Wise Elder realizes that he does not get paid for the reward of the sowing of Fruitful Works of Surplus here and in Other Countries.  But when Terrorism and War occur uninvitedly to a Country such as Paris which is known as a place for Love then truthfully The Big Brother-The Alliances of Network of Legislature or the World Powers who overlook the Welfare of the World Need to Make An Appropriation Towards Ending Terrorism thus bringing up the Topic on the Much Needed War on Terrorism and the Controversial Efforts of Individuals in the World to gain their attaining rights to express +Healthy Freedoms in their country as Individuals!  Also, lessening the Worst Stereotypes of Hate Crimes And Thus improving Our World Environments In Every Way!  We -All Play a Part!

**Liberty & Justice For All**
Habeus Corpus
Fair Judicial Law

Fair & Tolerant Attainable Individual Rights And Freedoms

One's Individual Rights & Freedoms

**Freedom of Speech
**Freedom of Religion

-Non-freedom in persecution of other

**A  Violation of the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments brought about by the Oldest & Wisest Men For the Welfare of Mankind

To Find a World Where Neighbors Love One Another & There is Freedom of Expression and Attained Happiness!!

Remember, Religion is one's expression of their beliefs not an infringement of another's biased opinion towards +the World!!!


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