Thursday, October 01, 2015

A Lover's Poem to the World

At the waterfalls I kissed you.  But you could have betrayed me. At first you did when you left and insulted me and called my friend a loser.  However, who knows what his intentions were as well.  If I hadn't of learned to work with you we all would have been dead.  What's worse is I feel I cannot trust anyone to help me personally in this and I don't know how this world is going to get the help it needs if you stop me.  But I see you in this and this group of people I am in.  Betrayal happens all the time.  I'd think it'd be best if we left if up for/to the ones that care for our well-being or the abuse and betrayal, maltreatment, war & famine occur once again.  But in the care-keeping you are going to find the look-alikes, posers, & breaker-downs of government.  As long as this happens you won't have peace.  Don't support the corruption or enable the abuse.  And God knows be careful with yourself!  In a sea of unworthiness and an ocean full of people are ignorant people who monopolize things while the innocent ones only want justice.  In an ocean full of  people there is always an ounce of potential but a likeability of a characteristic that is a threat to your well-being and livelihood.  You must eradicate it from yourselves or the wickedness of that characteristic will eradicate you!  Therefore...Learn from the mistake, change the course of action, and build a better life -Together!!! 
One with no downfalls.  If only people didn't manipulate\hurt one another to a point of no overcoming and just wickedness because of the poor survival skills that they were taught!  In many cases with the psychologically abused you find the want of power and control in one's life.  You find repeat abusers in the people who have been badly abused and need the time to emotionally heal.  Repeat abusers or victims of warfare will lash out at the World and break it in their heart-break and anger until somebody helps them cope.  Without re-direction towards the skills of coping and positive characteristics you have the manipulation of people, their finances and their resources.  All until the world is diminished and there is none.  But at least if you don't believe in God believe in Justice!!!  For all life-situations are equivocal but with the coping skills of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs with Love and Nurture comes a sense of peace and a calm ocean of healthy well human beings.  But for as long as we exist to be repeat abusers and hurt one another the breakdown of the government will be the end of our fate, our love, our acceptance into the world.  However much government exists it only exists by God and good communication.  However long as people run it, it will experience corruption.  That's why we offer Reform.  If I came from Germany and Germany believed in war but I came to America for a place of freedom.  If I traveled lands and seas and terraces trying to find something good to heal my heart and my family who in God's name or grace has the right to change that??  Who has that right when God is a real being that granted us life for eternity to live forever in Peace & Harmony in the First Place!?  God granted us life.  The best answers we have are in the characteristics of the World, Our Knowledge, & Ourselves!!  For as long as the world exists humans will try to corrupt and dishearten one another and abuse one another -Until We learn war no more.  -There is always a Time for War & a Time for Peace!!!  -Your a fool to tell another human being that they have no chance at life when life is all you've been given and they can take yours!  For every wicked acting person is a person of peace somewhere else who Will treat you better & Love Who You Are & Be Your Friend.  Most of all -Be your own friend.   They are fools for A) Pushing you around B) Trying to control you C) Lording or powering over you and telling you you have no chances, -No Rights, No Power or Authority to Change you when It IS  Your Life!!!

Dr. Jessica Gerlemann


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