Friday, November 20, 2015

The One Thing We All Have: Not a Sterotype but a Heart!

Of all the actions we could make we all have one thing in common!!! We have a heart.  In the Bible we are taught to War in actions of truth and righteousness in our affairs and in the love towards our neighbors!  The oldest book alive from our forefathers teaches us THIS>>>......

It is the condition of the HEART!!!

So therefore,

Can you kill hate with hate?

Can you kill hate with Love?

Can you kill another?

The answers are




It begins with warring in actions!!!

Sure you can be disciplinary-

But can you really kill and leave innocent victims

When you get more with Sugar than Spice???

Therefore begin with the condition of the Heart

Emotions & Feelings control the minds actions.

If you promote negativity?

Dark, Dark World!!!

Please, For the Sake of Our World!!!

Work on bettering yourself & others not warring and taking everything they have in a personal gain!!!!

The Heart Condition: God is LOVE

Love is What the World Needs-

Therefore, look at the condition of your heart

-Like a reflective mirror

What does your heart condition say about YOU?!?

Does it say Uncle Sam Wants You???

Does it say that You Need God????

Most of all is it full of atrocity?



Love is the highest form of act in any discipline.

Let your discipline of the way you trod your feet light your life!

Be a Great Heart!

Be A Legend!!!


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