Friday, October 16, 2015

"The LOVE of Hawke" by Jessica L. Gerlemann

2/29/2020 Afternoon Beach California  “The LOVE of Hawke”
By : Jessica Lee Gerlemann
a.k.a. Wanda Simmons



          I was headed on my way into work when suddenly I’m surprised by my own surmises again.  Half the world is playing with me in Baja.  I’m driving my Lamborghini in its teal color.  I just came from Ed’s and Caroline’s house.  There is an old Ford that pulls up behind me and shines its bright led lights on me.  Suddenly there are helicopters overhead and I just want to get to work safely.  The thoughts running through my head.  Who were my recent enemies?  What kind of criminals had followed me from Sacramento?  There had been some killings, turmoil, protests and unrest there.  I park my car into the garage of the house at Janine’s and we instantly become best friends as I watch the helicopter searching outside for the Ford that suddenly appeared from behind me about midnight.  I had wondered what had been going on.  Who had I crossed paths with?  Did I almost meet my life’s end again?  And this time half asleep and none the wiser?  And yet, I knew my Brother Ken was in the FBI looking after the guys like me.  I had a few friends in my time.  Particularly women in which I romanticized.  The next day I went home and fell asleep.  Woke back up two days later and wondered if it was all just a dream!  Was I?


Chapter 1: [My Letters to Wolf]

At the waterfall s I kissed you.  But you could have betrayed me.  At first you did when you left and insulted me and called my friend a loser.  However, who knows what his intentions were as well.  If I hadn’t of learned to work with you we all would have been dead.  What’s worse is I feel I cannot trust anyone to help me personally in this and I don’t know how this world is going to get to get the help it needs if you stop me.  But I see you in this and this group of people I am in.  Betrayal happens all the time.  I’d like to think it’d be best if we left it up to the ones that care for our well-being  or the maltreatment, war & famine occur once again because of the common mistakes we make the most.  But in the care-keeping you are going to find the look-alikes, posers, & the breaking down of the government.  As long as this happens you won’t have true peace.  Don’t support the corruption or enable the abuse.  And God knows be careful with yourself!  In a sea of unworthiness and an ocean full of people are ignorant Motherfuckers who monopolize things while the innocent ones only want justi ece.  In an ocean full of people there is always an ounce of potential but a likeability of a characteristic that is a threat to your well-being and livelihood.  You must eradicate it from yourself or the wickedness of that characteristic will eradicate you!  Therefore…Learn from the mistake, change the course of action, and build a better life with me –Together!!! One with no downfalls.  If only people didn’t manipulate and hurt one another to a point of no overcoming and just wickedness because of the poor survival skills that they were taught!  In many cases with the psychologically abused you find the want of power and control in one’s life.  You find repeat abusers in  the people who have been badly abused and need the time to emotionally heal.  Repeat abusers or victims of warfare will lash out as the World and break it in their heart-break and anger until somebody helps them cope.  Without re-direction towards the skills of coping and positive characteristics there is none.  But at least if you don’t believe in God believe in Justice!!!  For all life-situations are equivocal .  Maslow has taught us about the coping skills we need my love.  The Hierarchy of Needs that one must possess.  Love & Nurture comes with a sense of peace & tranquility my beautiful Heroine. 


Chapter 2

Peace & Tranquility was achieved Wolf.    In an ocean of healthy well human beings we are now abiding.  However, my Love, know that as long as we exist to be repeat abusers and hurt one another the breakdown of the government will be the end of our fate, our love, our acceptance into this world.  However much government exists; it only exists by God and good communication.  However long as people run it, it will experience corruption.  That’s why we offer Reform.  If I came from Germany and Germany believed in war but I came to America for a place of freedom.  We can’t let them take the Pride for One’s Love For Their Country away from US.  Much less, the knack for the need of Justice for the innocent and those who have been victims of warfare!  Who, my great transgressor, has the right to change that??  Who has the right when God is a  real being that granted us life for eternity to live forever in Peace & Harmony in the First Place!?  God granted us life!  The  best answers we have are in the characteristics of the World, Our Knowledge, & Ourselves.  Our America, even, if you will.  For as long as the world exists humans will try to corrupt and dishearten one another and abuse one another –Until We learn war no more.  –There is always a Time for War & a Time for Peace!!!! – You’re a fool to tell another human being that they have no chance at life at all when life is all you’ve been given and they can take yours!  For every wicked acting person is a person of peace  somewhere else who Will treat you better & Love Who You Are & Be Your Friend.  Most of all…. –Be Your Own Friend.  They are fools for A) Pushing you around B) Trying to control you C) lording or powering over you and telling you you have no chances, -No power or Authority to Chang your life when once again it is –yours.



Chapter 3

          They had taken me to the Hospital.  I didn’t know what to expect.  This time I had actually went on my first date.  Jen and Darren said he was driving 80MPH.  Funny thing was I was under a blanket on the floorboard in the back and didn’t even notice.  I had my Semi-Automatic and I loved the man I was with tremendously for his soft eyes and his loving heart and how he was warm to the touch.  I had gotten to the hospital and naturally again in was either full of criminals or kids with criminal like tendencies, behavioral problems or abuse victims. I was wore.  I needed to get the rest this time that I deserved thanks to my friends.  I noticed how touchy people were.  A need to be my friend and yet a social barrier and a boundary line not to cross so that both parties did not take action profusely wrong against the other.  I can definitely say that I saw a difference.  I often thought about the men and which ones I loved the most.  What’s worse was,…I knew I only needed one but that a group of them beckoned for much as I wished to be at peace with time and my husbandly owner, my true love-Hensen.  I had thought I knew everything about a man –in all shades –in all areas.  It seemed I had always learned something new.  I loved the fact how my faith in this group of men loving me was perhaps infallible although the characteristics of their sensibility over one woman or any woman they fantasized about deeply flawed-.  I couldn’t think of a better way to put it into writing.  She was 5’’7   102 lbs.  She would have gotten away with being  Bigfoot the Indian  if they would have let her.  But the task would have been too flawed. 


Chapter 4

She couldn’t think of the way that she could express her love and her hate of injustice to these people.  She had been through so much.  At times emotionally distraught but always able to deal with the problems near at hand better than anyone else she had known.  If they hadn’t of attempted  on her when she was young.  Sometimes it just took people to have the realization of One’s self.  To understand that deep down they were someone different than what they had perceived them to be.  At worse-She was a man of war. At best- She was a wife eternally enveloped with the love of her surpassor.   Forever she dedicated herself to one work.  The work of Justice & Love in her life and others.  Yet, sometimes with reality she had come to notice that she wasn’t the only one victimized, attempted on, loved, beat, or even hated.  Sometimes she even had to be careful because in a town near Baja was Sacramento and L.A. where there were some gangs and she couldn’t wear the color purple.  A feigned color of furvish value that represented the wine of Christ’s blood that her Momma had passed on to her in faith.  Forever more, she couldn’t fathom the world in a irrevocable place full of graveyards and tombs with burned bodies and no vegetation much like the recent warfare in lesser privileged countries.  So her and her men…They fought internationally for better conditions, for more love, peace & tranquility in the hope and remembrance of the –Love that made these individual men what they were before a time of almost surpassed warfare.  In the End –These Men…Learned to Love from –One strong woman with a 3-fold cord and surpassed and spread the –Love and ExaMPLE to other Women of ages and strong ability to help lead the International Government in Strong & Dignified Ways.  Forever would –Hope’s Faith last.  Forever –NATIONS WOULD HOPE IN HIM.  HIS**- COURTS RULED BY SAGACIOUSNESS.  IN ALL ASPECTS BRIDGES BUILT FROM HEART TO HEART AND THE NEGATIVITIES MINIMIZED ON AND ACTIONS ALL DONE IN WISDOM, FAITH, & TIME TO HEAL THE HEARTS OF SPADES, THE DIAMOND OF HEARTS, THE CLUB OF HEARTS AND THE HEART ITSELF TO A POINT OF FULFILLMENT IN THE WORDS OF THE DOCTRINES--.                                                      -FOREVER & EVER**                                                                                                                            IN GOD & FATHER-








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