Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Success of Those Under You-My Motto-Take Interest In Others!!!

If you can't stand the success of another person the problem lies within.  Most often than not lending a helping hand to a friend is a kind gesture although some do not take it lightly.  If someone ignores your presence you have no business entertaining them.  But maybe they are a victim in their own life.  Yet, rest assured if they are willing to victimize others they are also willing to victimize you and sure everybody is buddy-buddy to your face but what are their real intents & motives.  In Criminal Justice an act of blind obedience is harmful to all other branches.  It hurts when you victimize minority women and especially when their only intent was to find a friend in you!!! I will not be a friend of one who is a maligned, vicious person.  If they want to be vicious clearly the problem lies within themselves and you are no longer their problem!! Most of all you being in their presence must be one if they are willing to act that way.  Also, creating bills for a person and persuasion into the matter is not an act of Criminal Justice.  It is cowardice of a man to do such a thing!


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