Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Definition of Malign or Malignant

The definition of a malign person is someone who uses their blind obedience to accomplish an action against his brother.  Today the question was asked about what the definition of Malign is and along with it came the statement, "Bad Association Spoils Useful Habits."  Also, I had another thought according to the magazine that we read today.  I pretty much thought to myself, "Yes! These things are important because once your accomplished and done with making the decisions that you've done you have to live in the bed or "life" that you prepared for yourself.  Corrupt choices or Actions? Yeah, Usually the Person DID NOT Fair WELL. 

Lesson for the day:

If the person is Malign just like their are Malignant cells or tumors in cancer...You should remove yourselves from their presence and company.  Because in the end it's bad business!  You don't owe anybody anything you didn't agree to and clearly you must look like the scape goat!!!  Malign people need to have access to intervention to help them cope; Not tear down somebody else.  Usually in the presence of these things in a situation if you don't remove yourself your stuck in the draft of the tide with them suffering the consequences.  Believe Me!!! I've learned from experience.  We do not belong in an Angry person's presence~

Good Watchtower Article!!!

*Love Your Neighbor
*Love Your Brother
*Love Yourself!!


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