Monday, February 17, 2014

Safety In Public Places! Are we safe or not?

News Channel 5 had mentioned the disappearance of a young man in stl.  He went to school and afterward went to a party.  Things you should be aware of in public places are these: 1) Am I being watched 2) Should I be putting my trust in these people 3) Should I trust this as a safe environment for my learning and 4) How will this environment affect my life and 5) Can I make a learning experience out of this.  For instance, young man disappeared and he is being searched for. One thing he did was go to a party after school and they hadn't seen him since.  Several missing people right now.  Always keep an open eye out for those who are missing and if you see something inappropriate, dangerous or wrong stand up for yourself and others and report it.  Here is to finding more victims. Pray they will be alright and dedicate your time to helping others. By doing so you benefit yourself!  So ask yourself in different unknown environments 1) Am I Safe or Not?


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