Monday, February 17, 2014

Dangers of Heroine Drug Use After High Dose Uses of Prescription Drug Painkillers

There have been some recent stories on News Channel 5 about the abuse of drugs after use of prescription drug painkillers.  When considered one might have to ask themselves when they are too dependent on any chemical substance.  One may have to ask themselves these questions: 1) Am I too dependent on these that they are becoming my crutch when I need motivation 2) Am I becoming addicted to any of these chemical substances 3) What should I be using these prescription drugs for and 4) What is the main reason my prescription painkiller or prescription drug is being prescribed and do I fully understand the intent it is used for and 5) Is it really needed?  For instance, in the story on the news there was an individual victim who had become addicted to his painkillers and started heavily abusing illegal drugs. He needed more of a drug dependence because his body had become adapted to the tolerance of the painkillers in his brain and after becoming addicted his body therefore craved something more.  For instance, in Forensics the toxicology lab can determine drug use in the body and can explain the drug tolerance level as this.  The body has natural painkillers and then the body's tolerance level adapts and eventually replaces the natural substance of painkiller produced by the brain and therefore dopamine and endorphins by the brain are affected and the body creates a natural need for the drug and becomes dependent and needs it to daily function. This is how your doctor victimizes you and makes millions.  So one thing every society needs to ask itself before making pardons and exceptions to any illegal drug and increases the use of and pushes the actual dosage and use of prescription drugs in its society must ask itself 1) Should I be this dependent and should we be this dependent on drugs as a society? and 2) How is it going to affect our functioning as a whole? 3) Is it really gonna solve the problems that need attention and intervenance? 

I suggest before you make excuses that you do your research!!!!!!

Be a thinker!


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