Sunday, October 06, 2013

To Sketch a Picture

Today I made a self-realization/assumption.  I have realized that just as you have to be skeptical about what you believe in media you must likewise be skeptical when it comes to religion.  You see any such viewer could be easily deceived but with the presented facts one could skept and then sketch or draw a picture, the right interpretation or conclusion.  Being skeptical helps us to see the big picture and how all the little things fall into place.  Being skeptical has gotten us far and taught us that the Bible was written to spare mankind.  A journalist's life as so that of a relgious person's life is full of truths and untruths on any given day.  If we are not prepared for this what do you think happens?  Well, we are deceived on many accounts.  So all of us individually must search out truths.  So one important truth?  Well, the Bible was written to spare mankind.  If we allow ourselves to believe the untruths and do not search them out we are then on a pedestal.  If we allow ourselves to believe the untruths and pass them on as truths we are no longer teaching the one language that has saved and spared mankind for centuries and that is "cold hard truth."  So...with media and religions both we must teach truth!!  Also, just like when many are told which person should be there friend; don't let anybody tell you; you must prove it to yourself!  Truths just like real friends prove themselves and therefore truths and real friends lead to a life full of happiness.  True friends will share your happiness and joy.True friends are the one's that stick by your side even though not always there 24/7.  True friends are always with you at heart and share your every happiness!

1 John 4:1 "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."


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