Thursday, February 06, 2014


Sometimes we have to take ourselves on a new journey of learning! It's amazing that there is such a vast expanse of knowledge out there for us to learn. For instance, what do you think of Him who made the stars in the sky? Do you know the constellations? Can you see them in someone elses eyes?  Even a love that is a surprise everyday. You never really know what to expect about the problems of life, its surprises and its journey!  What it means to you is the key to life. One must ask himself/herself: "Where do I fit?" And "Is all this for me?" Sometimes it can be one endless journey full of whatever life is made of and it can take you and chew you up and spit you out.  Wise ones are careful of what friends they let into the heart thus you don't already know the errors of your peers, have you not? You never know!! One day you might just wake up to a phone call and it could be the love of your life. No true love would end in a classic Dime a Dozen fiasco. Kind of sad when you lose someone who is your one and only, huh? I've passed everybody up so many times! Truth is most of the time with most people I am more comfortable by myself and alone. So go figure! One day you may wake up and the alter to your wedding could be a door? Now someone explain that to me! Hahahaha,. Sometimes you must protect your dreams. Who said you can't get married with or without your significant other.? Who says that you can't just marry everybody and nobody at all. Yes my life is complicated. It is a complicated relationship as I pursue my dreams and my passion for truth and humanitarianism!!! Wish me well on my journey! I will wish you well on yours regardless. I can't remember the amount of times I've given me friends up for marriage. Everybody has a different journey, ya know? Sometimes its better just parting ways and making new friends and it makes it easier. Either way, may the days of obeisance to your Father bless you!!


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