Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Must Read: Considering and Comparing Thoughts to Events and Ideas of Our First Creationists

I came to a conclusion I haven’t thought of before. An experience I had left me thinking and relating to those shows about Indians and their beliefs.  I was curious if any of their history was ever passed down in our Bible’s  when Charles Taze Russell was introduced to what then his parents inherited and owned known as the” New World.”  See some of the Indians were creationists in their beliefs and I wondered if any of the story telling was ever passed down to the white man at that time in the world.  I have had some curiousity about the spirit world when it comes to Jehovah’s angels being messengers.  Well, as I was taking into account some of the interpretations of the Bible and how it was written to bring its reader’s a better life I was taken aback when I realized that the Europeans that settled here in the Americas called it the New World as well and given the history and living just shortly after those days taking into account several beliefs Charles Taze Russell provided a Bible that appealed to him shortly.  Surprisingly the Indians believed the land to be a land that God had given them. They were creationists.  Sometimes they believed in several God’s and had rituals trying to communicate with God’s and spirits.  That still did not mean though that they weren’t smart.  You see the Indians understood something about the spiritual world although at times like the white men they had their down sides too.  Yet, did not the first pilgrims learn from them?? Did they not learn to plant from them too?  European settlers called the Americas the “New World.”  And sadly many times what was known as free where God’s creatures roamed the Indians no longer experienced as they were forced to walk the Trail of Tears and such moving to plots of land
where food was scarce and they often died. This happening in about 1831 leaving us a past of learning from them as they yet had to obey the Indian Removal Act of 1830 although it had been their rightful home. So therefore the accounts of history  that was chosen by Charles Taze Russell must have been very seriously considered.  Some witnesses believe that a New World would be restored and when I think of it I can’t think of it better than to relate to this. Since Charles Taze Russell was an early settler with his parents at that time many considered the America’s the New World.  So it would make sense that that would be what he would  call it.  There are many truths in the New World Translation. Yet, do you think possibly that the sacred secret may be different ever than what we may have initially thought? And how far should we take the Bible??  Also the Bible was written to steer mankind clear from wars like that of what I am sure Charles Taze Russell experienced from 1914-1918 (WWI) and 1939-1945 (WWII). (Continuation of development by Watchtower Bible & Tract Society) Charles Taze Russell came from Scotch-Irish parents and was born  on February 16, 1852 and died October 31, 1916.  So ok? We know these teachings have been here a long time and many have searched out truth just wondering  why the Bible was able to predict the things that happened.  It was written by our ancestors to warn us of the effects of war.  So it has been inspired of those of the past and even the sea scrolls with God’s name have been added.   Yet, sometimes I do believe that many witnesses take it too literal or would rather believe that being part of the Jehovah’s Witnesses mean high society when this is just a beginning of a  journey learning what all these things are about.  Women were treated differently back in those times and many times the traditions are passed down.  However, how seriously we take it is based upon our own personal preferences and interpretations.  You can’t teach an old dog new tricks and you cannot force someone to believe like you because over the years it has just caused more religion or worse yet a war because two parties are upset at one another.  The Bible dates way back and many of the history of our ancestors have been added so that we can learn from them.  The Bible surely is grand.   So here is the scripture that brought me to all of this: Revelation 4:5-8 “From the throne were coming lightning and voices and thunders; and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, and these mean the seven spirits of God.  Before the throne was something resembling a glassy sea, like crystal.  In the midst of the throne and around the throne were four living creatures that were full of eyes in front and behind.  The first living creature was like a lion, and the second living creature was like a young bull, and the third living creature had a face like a man’s, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle.  As for the four living creatures, each one of them had six wings; they were full of eyes all around and underneath.  And continuously, day and night, they say: ‘Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah God the Almighty, who was and who is and who is coming.”  Clearly there is a story that has been passed down from our ancestors beginning where we inherited sin from Adam and Eve.  There were barbaric warring times of the Earth and the Anglo-Saxon period where there were wars that were part demonic because they were fought by Giants like the story of David and Goliath or a similar one to the Anglo-Saxon period where it was Beowulf.  And yet we have the reassurances and the comforts where the Bible tells us in Psalms 147:3 “He is healing the broken-hearted ones, And is binding up their painful spots.” Also, so,….the sacret secret is that of the legacy that spares and saves mankind and it is the moral taught upon the Bible’s pages.  Although, very often not interpreted right some just are apostate or like to have their ears tickled.  Yet, we can still hope in the dying sacrifice of Jesus for mankind so that we can be the living sacrifice today to teach with sword and spirit the great war of Armageddon.  That is God’s war.  The most important things is to remember the history of our ancestors and the work that got us here today and provided us a sword in hand.  We must always search out truth.  No one disciple will force you to believe their way.  If they do they are not a disciple of Christ.  There is no one correct way in God’s eyes because God sees the efforts and even Charles Taze Russell well he helped develop several religions.  If it is truth it may not fit your fancy but if it is right in the eyes of God it is a force not to be reckoned with because there is no defeat of truth!  Truth in all things saves.  The purpose of the Bible to spare and save mankind so that we may be the living sacrifice in the way in which we present ourselves.  God is love. Remember the 7 fruitages of his spirit. These will be how true religions separate from false religions. Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, kindness, mildness, and self-control.  Hopefully this is a good read that adds to your day. Farewell!!!


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