Sunday, December 01, 2013

Most Recent Scams

I wanted to share some of the most recent scams so some of you readerz would be aware of their validity or non-validity in these cases.

There is Cryptolocker which is most often a downloadable virus downloads information onto your computer and then installs the Cryptolocker which locks your computer until you pay to get it unlocked which is now known as ransomware because you get locked out of your own computer. It is used as an encryption. Some of these are known as FBIRansomware because it uses the FBI as a scam cover up to make money off of people posing to be someone in which they are not.

Be aware if you are an OX Mac User.

People are also using spear-fishing tactics to get to your private network.

Be aware with websites that want you to pay them for a product or some tangible service or vehicle and then assumingly sends you a link containing malware.

Be cautious if an original buyer sells you something at an auction and it goes to another bidder and  the bidder fell through.

Make sure websites are secure and authenticated before you buy from them.

If items are severely undervalued be concerned about hot items and it being fraudulent.

Scan files before downloading them.

Always update the latest security as internet users these days prey on pitfalls in the computer systems if they are not updated.

Ensure Antivirus and Firewalls are updated and current.

Ransomware is trying to extort money from ppl so you should therefore be very careful of using your cards or account information online.  Use secure sites like Paypal.

Be aware of Citadel malware

Be aware of Malware on phones.  IF you get into wrong sites and your phone is hacked someone could easily be using your personal informationo and worse it could be gathered by someone criminal or terrorist.  Always be careful with personal information  online. DON'T LET YOUR INFORMATION GET TO THE WRONG PPL!

Look out for fake lawyers ids being used to make money off of ppl.

Be aware of malware when logging onto Hotel Hotspots and Hotel Internet and that cookies and other things get downloaded on your computer. Learn how to keep it clean.

Be aware of Timeshare Marketing Scams.

For more information and reading up on these you can go to your local United States website and RESEARCH the information and Report it yourself!!!


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