Saturday, September 28, 2013


Jessica Gerlemann

General Psychology

Sarah Nowak

April 25, 2011


                The way we see things can do extraordinary things for us.  For biologists, it might be seeing through a microscope to understand the smallest little objects that could be a protein affecting what is synthesized through a concentration gradient of a cell.  For a Forensic analyst it could be understanding how to copy and paste enzymes to use in DNA technology to duplicate evidence to catch the most current crime suspect.  However, if we did not train our perception to think critically, problem solve and be open to understanding other perspectives our avenue of learning would be very different.  Perception is our everything, and yet if this is one of the sensational learning experiences we do not have, such as the blind, we still learn through touching and that even brings perspective into consideration when we are guestimating even what we feel.   Sometimes we see through what we feel.  Anything is possible though through a trained perspective.

                Perception through the rods and cones in our eyes helps us develop an idea of what we are seeing and what place it has in our lives.  Our eyes are connected to our brain and then our brain helps us to proceed by processing a perspective.  Perception is in our novels and in our reasoning through our own personal experiences we have had and tried to make in the past and newly every day.  We also have to be careful what we take into our mind because it can distort values we have or want to keep for ourselves or the ones we love.  For instance, some may not view pornography as wrong but meditating on it can lead to individuals who are viewing it to do wrong things and make bad choices at an early age in life before they are truly mature.   It is so interesting to see so many people in the world take so many paths to try to find the right God and not think that the other person is making the right choices in their effort.  It is sometimes good to be critical. Usually, in many cases one religion advocates themselves and warns about another because they individually believe that theirs is more right in God’s eyes and makes more sense.   In another case, you might meet a neighbor that is predatory and does not realize that the way in which he approaches coming onto a lady is not right in most social norms of other peoples eyes because his father treats women the same way or his Mom was raped when she was young and it didn’t matter what was right or wrong for her either.  Usually, theory, logic or hypotheses, are perspectives widely believed, and there is an amount of considerable evidence making that logic to be a sound and true statement possibly being shown in the choices being made in a usual adults life.  Even with criminals, it boils down to the human emotions and distorted perception one is experiencing that usually gets them into trouble with the law before they make a realization it is the law, it is there for a reason and if they don’t follow it, it will catch up with them.  In many cases, there are sad horror stories and people are lost in a perspective thinking that what they are doing, such as killing another person who is innocent, molesting or taking advantage of young child is perfectly and logically acceptable when it is not.  Sometimes things happen that we have no control over.  Yet, if we care about the people we love we should carefully pick and choose perceptionally about what we view as right.   Each and every individual deserves to be treated human. Yet, it is an eye for an eye.   However, it is hard sometimes to see through situations with suspected people and their actual true knowledge of whether what they did to something or someone else is wrong or ok in terms of logic.  In many cases, some people claim to be mentally impaired when they are not and logically are trying to get away with murder while others have had to defend their own lives and it has caused a death.  At all causes justice is needed and injustices from person to person should be avoided.  The way people associate the things as right and wrong is most likely adhered to by what they’ve grown up to know as social norms.  From one town to another and across the world, right and wrong are opposites of each other and because humans choose not to try to understand or work with each other there are violent deaths and injustices every day. For example, in the United States one might trust a Jehovah’s Witness but in Africa Jehovah’s Witnesses are considered devil worshippers.

                Forensic analysts are trained psychologically to have a certain perspective for a job to retrieve evidence from using DNA from the human genome in different ways.  Blood samples and swabbed sites are usually kept for evidence processed by DNA technology in a lab through enzymes to make duplication or procession through the knowledge of links of the DNA genome.  Biologists are trained to perceive through sciences that through their knowledge of the human genome cures and therapeutic treatments can be found through their research and observation of what they see about the knowledge they learn every day through trained eyes.  A student, studies for the classes learning what may affect them greatly and give them knowledge about the career that they are choosing to learn about which leaves them with all with a certain retentious perspective that benefits them.    Perception is truly a gift, greatly valued and a widely perceived thing on various different levels and circumstances.


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