Friday, August 30, 2013

What A Situation Says About Its Members Perhaps in Religion

Many a time, people browse for a religon that fits them.  Some even question if they should waste their time on a religion or even try to believe in God due to the many injustices.  Now let's ask ourselves,...What does a situation say about its members perhaps in religion by the way they act?  This is a hard question and because of the many injustices that go on inside the doors of a religon many do not participate and try to find a spiritual relationship anymore which is much needed for the health of the individual. So, the truth is a true religion will teach the truth and even though those things happen inside its doors, the truth of their message tends to accompany and comfort the heart of many newcomers everyday. So,..a spiritual relationship with God? Yes, it is important despite the many injustices that one may face and the lessons learned may just be the ones that hold that person together during trial.  Usually a circumstance or situation that is faced in religion tells the truth about its members and their standing in the truth of that religion based upon the way they act.  It always tells, actions speak louder than words.  The best of relationships though will withstand time and survive any circumstance.  So looking for the right religion?  Yes. Keep searching and YOU will find, BECAUSE there is one at least out there.  Perhaps several even in the fact if they worship with devotion and truth towards God.  Yet, some rituals actually denounce God and we must steer clear of those of which would drag us down to death in this cold cruel world.  However, despite the things that can happen; there will ALWAYS be a God that  LOVES YOU!  So, no two people will ever worship God the same way.  And if God chose to save Mankind through his son's sacrifice do you think it makes sense to favor one person over the other when God has loved Mankind impartially? Usually the truth inside the doors of a religion can be kind of sad, because when a mix of people are together many fights, injustices and misunderstandings happen that will never be right in God's eyes.  But at least we know these people will have to stand before God on judgment day.  One day the Earth will be a Paradise restored and all of Jehovah's angels will have overlooked the mankind on the Earth along with Jehovah God carrying them through to a restoration or even a resurrection.  Sad to say, many imperfections exist within any religion but yet God reminds us that we are brothers and sisters and that we should always be forgiving even though we shouldn't not condone a wrong act or allow someone to take advantage of us.  That was my favorite part of  our last Watchtower.  Do you know that they used to actually have a Watch Tower and that's how many of our publications history got started? Regardless, there are still imperfections and we actually will not all worship alike.  Some will go to heaven and worship with God possibly perhaps after fulfilling their purpose here on Earth.  So no matter what religion one is not better than the other. One may be wrong technically speaking and no one religion is accurate about everything.  The truth is the world needs Unity not religion.  So you never know..maybe it'll get bad enough that religion will be wiped out all together and all that will be left is the one pure feeling "Love" and the one pure teaching "Truth."  The truth is we were given natural God given birthrights to express ourselves in conviction, but not in inhibiting another's rights!  So despite your situation, no matter what part of the world, May God be with You, May You reap rich Rewards & Blessings and may you Continue to serve God despite your situation or the injustices against You that God clearly sees with his own two eyes.  May he Lord over all of us..for some kind of big fulfillment.  An accomplishment, Maybe Even perhaps PEACE for Mankind!!!


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