Monday, October 31, 2011

Washington Irving Superstitious in "Rip VanWinkle" More on Anglo-Saxon period

The United States is a wonderful place of freedom. I was reading for American Literature and I noticed how much more I was learning from Washington Irving about the period of the Anglo-Saxon wars. The United States is a wonderful place and so is England! I love England accents and they are wonderful people. However, I find it interesting and clever that at the end of the story the breaking away from England was the significant change that took place and the Revolutionary War was mentioned later. Irving must of understood what the brute was like. I was curious what I could find so I looked it up on the internet to see how "superstitious" Washington Irving really was. I'm already questioning how much of his writing he wrote with purpose and whether or not he had a mental illness. And think about how it says in the Bible that at times God would put war in their hearts for a certain outcome. So how good was the Anglo-Saxon wars?> Again, nothing against England but even in Beaowulf the Anglo-Saxon wars were demonic on the Anglo-Saxon side. So question for you..who is stronger the devil or God? What do you think, and again please do your research, don't be gullible and be careful what you read. I looked Anglo-Saxon up on the internet and there are all these sites in which left cookies on my computer. One of which said , "VooDoo." In other words witchcraft. So is it real, was it real or is it all psychology? The world is a very real place in which many supernatural events have taken place based upon the good and the bad. At the end of the story Washington Irving shows superstious and who liked to focus on the Salem Witch Trials? <-Washington Irving. Be careful what you leave into your heart and heavily guard it against the woes of the Earth. It was very interesting and a good read to learn about mindset. However, looking it up on the internet they used Amos 2:9 and Genesis 6:4. Christians now read that in your Bible. Does it say anything about the Nephilim winning the war? And wasn't it Moses that lead the Israelites out of the Wilderness? Here let me quote these for you so you can see that our Bible speaks the truth and is vital to today. Amos 2:9 "But as for me I have annihilated the Amorite on account of them, whose height was like the height of cedars, and who was vigorous like the massive trees; and I went annihilating his fruitage above and his roots below." In Revelation this is probably talking about the type of nation God would annihilate because of it's demonic existent. It never works believe me..if you bring reproach upon God you bring it upon yourself! Genesis 6:4 "The Nephilim proved to be in the Earth those days and also after that the sons of the [true] God continued to have relations with the daughters of men, and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones of old, the men of fame." ~ However later God destroyed this breed from the Earth. Demons don't live in us by the way we are just influenced by them. So fame lasts a short time for those who despise God. It last longer for loving him because he isn't the cause of these injustices of the world. Proving there is a Satan and there is a God. People made in God's image and People made after the Father of the Lie.

Matthew 13:35 "I will open my moth with illustrations. I will publish things hidden since the founding."

Saturday, October 29, 2011

If I Were to Write a Book?

A teacher can't care anymore, Lewis says it makes no difference because in the end there is no one else around. Ashley talks about the insanity of dark snow and that we should let it claim us. As if in a city, Ryan ran away from fading brake lights. Kim wants it to be his last sound, "Of helicopters and sirens." Glass Heart wanted a date and placed a bet. Fred's friend woke up just not feeling okay. And someone ruined the joy of the rejoicing of Fred's love over Jesus and now without a religion, they are so damn alone. Learning to "Die in Theater." Chris shared a perfect day. The Mr./Mrs. Alone writes about Cowardice. Kaitlyn now hates mornings. Ms./Mr. Ponder asked themself, "Why do I waste my time with this idea called life?" Mr. Impulsive wrote "Damn" and talked about forgetting to have sex with her and decides to fall asleep by her side. Ms. Sufferring wrote "Problems" to narrate just the start of her difficulties about life..she couldn't even get drunk and had pins in her back. The African American/Mexican calls the white man color blind. Unknown writes the damage is more than skin deep, bruised bodies, a shattered heart, a million pieces. Laura writes the Dream Eats the Dreamer..since when and why Laura? Robert wrote about his incurable silence. And finally the poet wrote a confession about confessing to nothing.

If you infringe upon the rights of another you've infringed upon your own.

Let justice be done to the criminals who take the life away from your children.

May the justice and peace of harmony in the truth last forever.

~Confessional poetry from Jon Thrower's classroom.

Monday, October 10, 2011

John Thrower Emotionally Raped Me~

You know it's sad when times have to come to this and you really have to consider who is raping you and who is not. And who is harassing you. Teaching you men to emotionally rape women Thrower is actually no different from committing the actual act and for the fact you also taught them that abusing drugs was ok and that it was okay to sabotage themselves in the face of an asshole like you. Tis a crime. If you ever repeat your actions, I believe I have some friends that I will put to use. Is it really so that you believe hurting people makes sense? And that they grow up thinking this is ok? It's bad enough it happens in dysfunctional families..but the fact that you have a dysfuctional no-good face because of the way you present yourself I see that there musn't be an ounce of bravery in you to stand up and dignify yourself. So I hope until the day you die unless you change that you most certainly rot in hell. Sorry to make an example out of you but I believe it is about time someone did. Harassing someone to get sex out of them equals death in my book and they wonder why they are sufferring? Go figure.. I wonder..assholes..don't make me do to you what I've already had to do to someone else and to undo it so that I didn't harm them because they actually didn't recognize it as wrong. Um, yeah..your an old man Thrower..a dinosaur and you know you talk about your wife but at mind you aren't even trying to be faithful to her. You are going to have to stand up to a fight..tall big men..yes because I know you are really chickenshit towards them. In fact I'm already exacting decisions..and if I do belong to the true God what do you think will happen to you..have you ever seen the mightiness of God's face? Oh yeah, I guess it's a free country yall so I wrote this bc that's probably what he'll say when he speaks his mind.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Ready Rebels? A Note on Better Health Care

I found this article and I believe in every bone of the body of the one who wrote it. SAY NO to debilitating health care and psychiatry! If they aren't for the public welfare then they aren't for the public health care!!!
One day I know this will help you!! Don't make the same mistakes I did.
Favoritize this and do your research like I said my friendz..

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Random Notes..I probably won't usually be this open

Well life's going pretty good I guess except for the harassment. I went apartment hunting last week. I gave someone a kiss all in spite of getting harassed by my homo professor. Yeah, I think he is a homo for some reason. I lost all respect for him!! Beyond that I still LOVE all of my real true friends and family so much, so much, so much. BUT, I hate when doctors think their medication is a Godsend..because I'm taking this medication that I'm getting a rash from bc it is the cheap kind. But anyhow, looked at the apartment and left a friend with a kiss on a cheek because I decided it wouldn't be right for me to stay with him even though I love him so much and yet I know I'd be a social outkast. Haha, so I gave him a kiss on the cheek after he opened the door for me and then I ran!! haha..I think I will just visit everybody at their apartments for a while until I am good and prepared to move out and after I graduate this semester I plan on getting a 2-yr hopefully that works out well. I didn't mean to offend anyone with my past writings. Sometimes psychiatrists upset me and I feel jaded and it just about ruins my friendship with everybody so I'm trying to learn to trust again and based upon what I've been through that will be very hard for me. But I love my two Tuesday-Thursday Teachers because they teach my two fave subjects right now. Criminal Justice and Biology. I love the three girls I sit with in Lab they are so adorable and sweet and cute. Nicole, Michelle & Erin!! Everything I ever would hope to have in a daughter just the same. Um...yeah stupid homo guy trying to harass me right now. We will just see about that..! I want to arrest his a$$ so bad and just sit on him for trying that!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time
There was an angel of God
that was abused by everyone
around her. One day she ended
up in a psych ward and they
put her to sleep never to awake again
or see the beauty of God's face
smiling upon her. Everything she had
given them they suddenly had taken
away playing their game of so-called
God of Gods or Idols. Never again will her true
heart speak to them. They thought they
knew best but they were quickly
judged selfish by the eyes of God.
Not even understanding their own
Actions or caring she was suffering bc of it.
Maybe one day she wanted to
Just once experience what it was
Like to be human and yet happy
When they put somuch pressure
on her they never cared to see they
were playing God and corrupting her
face. So God took them away
from each other and some suffered
destruction. The greedy ones didn't
Understand why her face had
changed and not once did they question
yet that her face to them was
Their only true reflection.
If she built them up she had
the right to tear them down
any time she needed but yet
what would become of her face?
Living the dream for her
was to kill the wicked face
Of all mankind. Yet, she questioned whether
They all were really wicked.
Emotionally distraught God's angel once smiled upon them. Now it is
Never to return anymore. She
Thought sniper was the way to
Go but then questioned the existence
Of Tortured minds and blind obedience
Would her true friends really try her
Patience and Pressure her like that?

~The Chronicles of the Unspoken

"I will publish things hidden since the founding."

Monday, October 03, 2011

No Explanation

Bulldozed down
No Remains left
All that has fallen
Is Gone.
Another tale
Of a life lived
All too short
Hath a date
Protection None
In My Face They Have Denied Me
No More Shall They See
And no more of their love
Will be left with me
God hath said
They have purely denied me to my face