Saturday, October 29, 2011

If I Were to Write a Book?

A teacher can't care anymore, Lewis says it makes no difference because in the end there is no one else around. Ashley talks about the insanity of dark snow and that we should let it claim us. As if in a city, Ryan ran away from fading brake lights. Kim wants it to be his last sound, "Of helicopters and sirens." Glass Heart wanted a date and placed a bet. Fred's friend woke up just not feeling okay. And someone ruined the joy of the rejoicing of Fred's love over Jesus and now without a religion, they are so damn alone. Learning to "Die in Theater." Chris shared a perfect day. The Mr./Mrs. Alone writes about Cowardice. Kaitlyn now hates mornings. Ms./Mr. Ponder asked themself, "Why do I waste my time with this idea called life?" Mr. Impulsive wrote "Damn" and talked about forgetting to have sex with her and decides to fall asleep by her side. Ms. Sufferring wrote "Problems" to narrate just the start of her difficulties about life..she couldn't even get drunk and had pins in her back. The African American/Mexican calls the white man color blind. Unknown writes the damage is more than skin deep, bruised bodies, a shattered heart, a million pieces. Laura writes the Dream Eats the Dreamer..since when and why Laura? Robert wrote about his incurable silence. And finally the poet wrote a confession about confessing to nothing.

If you infringe upon the rights of another you've infringed upon your own.

Let justice be done to the criminals who take the life away from your children.

May the justice and peace of harmony in the truth last forever.

~Confessional poetry from Jon Thrower's classroom.


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