Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time
There was an angel of God
that was abused by everyone
around her. One day she ended
up in a psych ward and they
put her to sleep never to awake again
or see the beauty of God's face
smiling upon her. Everything she had
given them they suddenly had taken
away playing their game of so-called
God of Gods or Idols. Never again will her true
heart speak to them. They thought they
knew best but they were quickly
judged selfish by the eyes of God.
Not even understanding their own
Actions or caring she was suffering bc of it.
Maybe one day she wanted to
Just once experience what it was
Like to be human and yet happy
When they put somuch pressure
on her they never cared to see they
were playing God and corrupting her
face. So God took them away
from each other and some suffered
destruction. The greedy ones didn't
Understand why her face had
changed and not once did they question
yet that her face to them was
Their only true reflection.
If she built them up she had
the right to tear them down
any time she needed but yet
what would become of her face?
Living the dream for her
was to kill the wicked face
Of all mankind. Yet, she questioned whether
They all were really wicked.
Emotionally distraught God's angel once smiled upon them. Now it is
Never to return anymore. She
Thought sniper was the way to
Go but then questioned the existence
Of Tortured minds and blind obedience
Would her true friends really try her
Patience and Pressure her like that?

~The Chronicles of the Unspoken

"I will publish things hidden since the founding."


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