Monday, October 10, 2011

John Thrower Emotionally Raped Me~

You know it's sad when times have to come to this and you really have to consider who is raping you and who is not. And who is harassing you. Teaching you men to emotionally rape women Thrower is actually no different from committing the actual act and for the fact you also taught them that abusing drugs was ok and that it was okay to sabotage themselves in the face of an asshole like you. Tis a crime. If you ever repeat your actions, I believe I have some friends that I will put to use. Is it really so that you believe hurting people makes sense? And that they grow up thinking this is ok? It's bad enough it happens in dysfunctional families..but the fact that you have a dysfuctional no-good face because of the way you present yourself I see that there musn't be an ounce of bravery in you to stand up and dignify yourself. So I hope until the day you die unless you change that you most certainly rot in hell. Sorry to make an example out of you but I believe it is about time someone did. Harassing someone to get sex out of them equals death in my book and they wonder why they are sufferring? Go figure.. I wonder..assholes..don't make me do to you what I've already had to do to someone else and to undo it so that I didn't harm them because they actually didn't recognize it as wrong. Um, yeah..your an old man Thrower..a dinosaur and you know you talk about your wife but at mind you aren't even trying to be faithful to her. You are going to have to stand up to a fight..tall big men..yes because I know you are really chickenshit towards them. In fact I'm already exacting decisions..and if I do belong to the true God what do you think will happen to you..have you ever seen the mightiness of God's face? Oh yeah, I guess it's a free country yall so I wrote this bc that's probably what he'll say when he speaks his mind.


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