Thursday, September 06, 2007

Have You Ever Heard of Beowulf?

Beowulf is a form of England's heroic epic of a beginning of popular national literature. Most likely if your a high school student, scholar or maybe even a historian chances are you might know some background about the story of Beowulf-a mighty man who was strongest of all, Hrothgar-a man of great fame and wealth in battles and Grendel-a demon who challenges Beowulf and comes as a powerful monster living down in the darkness. Well we have just happened to recently be studying some of this in our English IV class and I realized how much of its history entailed within the poem corresponds to our day and actually proves some of the Bible even. I've always been one fascinated with the stories of the Bible, the miracle of Jesus saving other people's lives such as Lazarus in healing his friend of leprosy or the young boys mother who was upset because he died and Jesus brought him back to life. Have you heard of those stories? Many other of the stories of the Bible tell us about history along with some of the human accounts as well. Analyze the perspectives you think they might be written from. It has helped me to see everything so differently. I've always wanted to find this true understanding about life and I'm so thrilled to understand it to some of its minutest details now at times.., I may not know everything yet but at least I know something.., and it's wonderful. I've been studying what God has in store for us and checking how history proves the correctly translated version of the Bible that I've had. Least to say, ..I've been playing Ms. Historian and it's been a lot of fun. The great part about this heroic epic is that it entails history about the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes. In England of the time of this era, as I can see from the writings point of view, they were basically attacked by the influence of bloody wars because of a time and era of heavily exposed evil upon the people. When I had wonderfully last year, Mr. Mechem's class we would talk about World History-and how all the different events in the world changed the earth forever. It's amazing how much I've found out everything truly either correlates with one another or doesn't if it isn't true or how cause and effect situations problematically work out. I took my general understanding of everything and kept building on it as much as I could. Well, least to say when avoiding depression and working I also studied twice as much about the Bible over the summer and came to all it's amazing understanding. You know how they talk about Har*Ma*Geddon right or Armageddon? Well, I was studying all the different aspects and points of view in the world, why people thought what they did, how their backgrounds and personal experiences in life affected how they felt about the things they did.., well now I know that everything I've learned is true and is proven once again by our English books and also that of the History books. Harmageddon is God's War,'s a spiritual warfare of one we will not see but throughout the years on the earth it has had these physical aspects that has proved the Bible as well. The Four Bowls, The white horse, the trumpets and harps of the book of Revelation. All a plan to just restore the paradise Earth we had in the beginning because we're just living in a progression period of temporary suffering and from the time of Adam and Eve they were decieved to eat but chose disobedience, a warning for their own good because Satan and his Demons were cast down to the earth and from there-on cause much decievance and disobedience for mankind and at every aspect that's exactly the parallelisms of the story of Beowulf. Grendel is the Demon of their time, Beowulf is one of the many people God is using to accomplish his purpose of restoring good back to the earth and Hrothgrar carried it out as a battleman for Beowulf and Beowulf was strongest of them all because God was with him. Truly it's the same standpoints today. The wars that occured with the Angles, Saxons and Jutes were all physical aspects of the accomplishments of the good vs. evil and remember good always prevails and God's going to look at our hearts and see by our motives and that's why it is so vitally important for us all to do what is right. Without it we stay right in the standpoint of suffering we are. So if we're tired let us do something about it. Ciao and have a good day!


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