Thursday, August 02, 2007

Where We Are Now

August 1, 2007

Well, there has been a lot of good stuff happening around here in the Union area. I’ve been working at the Washington McDonald’s on the inbetween it is happening to just be an overall wonderful life around here if you ask me. I know that people around Union are finding out what true friends are, how when we all are loving towards each other and work together that everything works out so much better, and how above all God plays into the good that is happening around us now!

Today I had slept in after an interesting day at Washington McDonald’s. It was soo interesting. I love the people there. Then again.,, ..I’m finding it so hard to not become attached and grow in devotion to all the people around me that I care about so much. Well it turns out that there are so many good individuals around here who are aiming to serve God right now. I’m trying to bring the overall public and about the 500-600 people I know a wonderful understanding about God, his actual purpose that I promise you no doubt is happening now and how the Union High School has something to do with it. Well for centuries and years we’ve been watching the news and there is a such thing as positive and negative propaganda and media. Most of the time that negative propaganda media and news is displayed to us watchers at home as a constant reminder of the world around us. I’ve been holding off so long to tell everyone everything I’ve learned about life. I want you all to know what I’ve learned because I love you so much! Life is so beautiful and amazing and yet still includes that constant misery at times..., well one thing I’m here to say I went through a depression so deep at one time that I was in so much pain I actually was suicidal and yet so consciously aware of it at the time while having the headaches the leg, back, arm pains all over. First let me NOT depress you! Sorry about that.., What I really wanna say is for all the nights my Junior year I stayed up until 3:00 or 4:00 am in the morning I learned twice as much as everyone else did to work together with Jehovah and to also present every aspect of knowledge I have learned about life and safeguard them with that balanced guidance of the view of the world as we know it and serving God without breaking his commandments at the same time. Believe me,..this will be your miracle,..if you follow it later on you’ll understand that so much of a view of moderation of the balanced aspects and percievances of view really affect us as people. Granted, I definitely know that I’m not the only one who has gone through horrible things before. Yet I’ll sadly say that for a while I always used to wonder why I was here and guess what I knew- I had two choices.., live or die and I stayed everytime for all of you, learn more and to teach you everything I know from life with the guidance and protection from Jehovah God! Most of all ,..I want you to know that is hard for me to share my experience but I want to do so as a loving, exemplified example of Jesus Christ and what he had created while he lived on the earth and help others. So now I will tell you the purpose of what so many of you have wondered about constantly,..I work for Jesus Christ, God’s son AND Jehovah God the Creator and Sovereign of ALL Things. I’m here to teach you everything accurate and correct about God. That is no misrepresentations, no catches, no fees,..just hard core based knowledge which protects everyone who within the measure follows it in accord to their life. If we do so, Jehovah rewards us and we get closer to ending this ‘sitting in the corner’ time period of suffering everytime we try to learn from our mistakes. The biggest way to progressively and sucessfully understand what true and accurate knowlege is out there is to search for it on such a level that we have this overview that helps us understand so many higher and lower levels in life. It helps us manage our own lives better,..I realized how protected I was..., granted if I would help myself Jehovah would help me everytime I asked also! He already has,..many people say I have to have the calling but truthfully looking upon just humans we can’t understand ourselves.., there is a higher level of guidance that just promotes protection, love and justice. These are just some of the qualities of Jehovah God and above all will represent the attitude among the people whose heart will be sought through in the time of good judgment and the destruction of wickedness in all the earth. First we all have to find that most definite and accurate knowledge, next relate with one another on what we know as factual and detailed evidence, third we have to reassure ourselves even of the doubts and experiment on the knowlege and reasoning we gain that progresses us toward wiser individuals in God’s eyes for all the times we’ll need him. We learn to rely on him in the tough times,..but to NEVER give up ourselves on fighting for what’s right. If we do this it means that we support his righteousness within the earth and progresses us even further towards what will simply be the overall restoration of the Paradise Earth, Jehovah God’s Heavenly arrangement of Jesus to rule and direct at his right hand temporarily for right now until it is completely restored and then the lording over will be given back to Jehovah and then Jesus will look over the 144,000 and have already played a big part in the carrying out of Jehovah’s purpose to restore it right now. How can you believe this you ask? .. Well look around you,..most of the time people think we’re just trying to convert them...No Way Hosea as they say,..If a Jehovah’s Witness comes knocking at your door I want you to understand that right now that is how Jesus is directing his people to take care of the overall crowd who we will teach to come to know God in most accurate truth. This is Jesus’ reteaching period so to speak on the earth,...but he has certain individuals that still live on this earth to carry it out. Right now is considered to be the teaching period of All those Searching.., so many we bring out from heart-ache, suicidalism,..many other things. I just wanted to let you know. THis IS: How Jehovah God IS accomplishing his purpose. Reason being,..I promise you with my life. I’ve explored many points of view and perceivances of correct knowlege and have come to the balance understanding.., so I’m helping to lead you all,..and if I slightly correct I will try to do that always humbly but if I mention anything,..please let it be known I’m not critical without a cause.., I’m protecting you. There is a balance for everything but we have to research ourselves more sometimes to understand it.

Revelation talks about the angels, the four bowls, the white horse, the trumpet and the harp and all the instruments sounding off Harmaggeddon’s war or moreless what soon will be victory of all good because it will prevail over the evil within the world. I just wanted everyone to know..., “Let all your emphesis towards good go now ,..and for all the times you find heartache,... redirect your feelings toward working in some sort of accomplishment for yourself ..and keep helping those others for a short learning period of time to teach them what you know for now what is right and wrong. All the hate redirect and control within yourself to turn back towards more devotion and love and above all try to minimize on others around you negatively hurting others.” This will bring us ALL closer to it everytime! The wars over the centuries.., for those involved.., some were innocent and there were others on the inbetweens because they were bystanders and they lost their life also. It’s very heroic to give your life up for another but we have to make sure it is involved in a directed and appropriate way if we were to. Above all in every circumstance it is best for us all to avoid it and show Jehovah God we are weak in the flesh if we allow ourselves to err or sin but that we can work with ourselves and others to change it. I promise you this.., Remember the scripture where Jesus tells the man on stake with him, “You will be with me in Paradise?” ..reason being, if you suffer doing temporarily good now while in the ‘sitting in the corner’ period of all of us in our suffering.., we’ll see less and less corruption and evil wickedness,..more and more good and on top of that once the teaching period is completed and finished which will take some time and a lot of work but can happen very progressively when the ‘Isreal of God’ so to speak the termonology of the faithful Israel in the Bible by doing this we all become very good-hearted and understand much and we correct the mistake Adam and Eve made from the very beginning which was true, did happen, and is still happening today everytime we stray from that guidance and protection of Jehovah and Jesus Christ his son , not to mention the 144,000 that protect the earthly class who will live on the earth. The 144,000 are just those who have proven to be so faithful to God that they’ve passed one of their biggest tests in faith and if they were to die right away now,..they would be resurrected the same way Jesus was in the Bible to help fight Armageddon. The 144,000 are the ones that have proved most faithful in endurance, much suffering, pain and wickedness that they’ve gone through in the earth and it’s no child’s game for the fact they could lose their life at any time due to the wickedness they are exposed to in the world in order to protect the good-hearted people within but that each one may stay a measureable amount of time on the earth helping and directing the earthly class first, very similarly the same way Jesus would so that we can all end the horrendous suffering as we move towards the loving provisions of Jehovah God. As we do this,..we all can do one of our most mind boggling things that seems to distract us all once we get wrapped into it.., observing the world around us using our sensibility and senses. There are certain people that are guiding you, sure not to put your full trust in anyone because people will come to you deceiving and in sheeps covering,..we must eliminate all of this! Take the guidance for your own good because it improves your life,..I promise you it does not make you miserable.., you desire to live life to the most fullest and righteouss way but most of all happily. Many people have a hard time fully understanding these points but people of Jesus will teach of all different levels to the needs of those seeking out to search and understand. We should not forsake the life of anyone as good people! You can trust those who can prove themselves over an extended amount and period of time as good people following God’s ways..., be sure and never misplace trust for that is how the kidnappings ,. ..abductions and everything else happens.

I love you all so much,...I wanted to tell you all of this and also –hint-hint for my last blogger ..., I left the slight mistakes for you to fill in the blanks because I didn’t want to spoil all of it for you! Love one’s the greatest and most wonderful commandment we have from Jesus who is from Jehovah God!

Your Friend-I Love You All: Jessica


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