Thursday, January 24, 2008

Governmental Authority's Importance In Our Lives

Have you ever wondered what it would be like without a government? Well, we wouldn't have any stock-market crashes or Black Thursdays or Economic degression anymore would we? ..Well no, we certainly would not have those problems but then we wouldn't have a government to protect us, our rights and the direction of our lives. The governmental authorities stand in place by God and are best for all of us even though we get an occasional speeding ticket or two..just think about what that officer is doing to change our lives? Or how many people that local fireman kept safe or rescued today? What about the judge that protects our human rights? The governmental authorities are to blame for much of the success and the people that aid them along in point of taking our life in good directions in which the people can run a government by the people in which we can have access to freedom of speech, religion and a such thing as media that helps us on the inbetweens in our lives that need to be improved. Think about how much crime and increased suffering there would be without it? Mankind would do whatever they would want to one another and get away with it. People would probably be crying their hearts and eyes out on the street and would have no way to deal with their emotional pain because they would not have access to depression medicine or companies that provided it either. Street drugs would probably roam about the streets even more heavier than before and there would probably be many deaths every second if the such word as "government" didn't exist. Government standing in place by God as an aid to the people by the people in organization to govern or rule with managing authority to take bad situations to better standing. Our government is only slightly imperfect, God's government is what steps in to bring in the perfection in all the decisions. So a human government and a government based on Godly principals put together equals something very "define" and "sacred" that we should cherish and appreciate as it is our protection and even the aid to people of other countries. In fact I would have to say due to the combination of God's governmental principals and the human governmental principals put together to be perfected is what exactly saved my life in a situation last year. Due to the amount of love that existed and moved the people, with the cooperation of all we were able to have a good experience and find Shawn Hornbeck and Ben Ownby. There is truly a story behind every individual isn't there? With it, governmental authority takes place in our lives and due to a mix of these I'm still surviving well this year and so are all of my friends and yes even my enemies if I will have any by the time I'm done. Do I? Hope not. Have you ever heard how the best way is to conquer anyone who spites you as an enemy? Break to them the real world but never stoop to their level and keep treating them with kindness. If someone has a problem with you beyond that well then I guess it is theirs to keep! Seriously., probably a story of stress or changing exploration of perspectives would solve it. Well anyhow, everyone don't abolish good governments that stand in place by god, just alter them to what is best needed for "life-giving & life living" ONLY..., because who needs warfare? Do you think there is a time we can take a stand and find that their is no eternal blisstfulness? Well it is all up to the groups of people upon the earth to achieve it. My job is just Narrator for now,..nice to meet you may I be your blessing? j/k Take it for now, save it for later, may I stress..Governmental Authority Has Grand Importance In Our Lives. It has saved mine! AND WHIP ALL EVIL DOERS!

Just In Case You Were Wondering..

Oh God, my soul is lost in midst of your forest tonight and I am overwhelmed as I take in a car ride home with a becomed stranger in which I once knew whose heart was aching. A crying soul is she and so am I in your garden I long to enrich a sultry paradise. The moon is lit and I becoming a far outcry of what I once was am changing also to the musical tune of a life that overwhelming sensation has taken over in a state of an eerie awakedness of long hard years coming ahead. I must remember your rays of sun, as I long to be near to my God and know him only more throughout my heartache and trials I only know his love to be like that of the warmth of the sun. Tonight, I will remember, Tomorrow I will cherish and today I will keep my day's knowledge. Oh how my heart yearns not to be separated from my people. I wish I was beside them in a summer's day now, passing up the hard course I will once again have to take from so many understanding of not only one person's life but a great mass in which I will soon equip myself a treasure of knowledge to trod my path of life. I cried in sorrow, for I know the great soul beside me was my long-suffering mother in which life's hardships was causing her to become bitter, heart-broken and negative within the sight of my own eyes. I was with her in mind frame, knowing what beheld her fit of heart-brokedness. I wish a paradise for all those I love. A sultry paradise we must await playing in a field as children. I keep questioning myself how much knowledge can one intercede and which is most important in the abundance available. I weep as my heart is changing with the world scenes as I keep understanding too much more everyday. One day I will change all of it. I pray a mighty battle I will win with my people to understand what compassion and love is and that it is exactly what the world needs. Tears still streaming from my eyes, I used to labor my body with no sleep at all and the greatest comprehension of the world I was changing, the ridicule I was hearing and the reasons for why I did so anyhow. God I love you so and you are my ray of sunshine that has always been the guidance in my life. I know it has to heart when people say God doesn't exist. I know because it hurts me. Oh God, your people most know that you provided them once a miracle or two and that your love developed among them. The world scene is constantly changing isn't it. I fell to earth tonight as I completely grounded so far down that I felt like I wanted to die because it's so hard to see the suffering and the suffering emotional pain of the souls because of the great suffering. We are made in the image of God. We have the capability to be just like him in his judgments and decisions. I've practiced what you teach all my life. I knew what it meant if were to, a good life lead. Tonight I just wanted to die and sacrifice myself leaving behind a solution for all the rest of you to let you know you are loved. But how I know, a sacrifice other than God's loving son Jesus Christ would make no sense at all if it were an intentional death at the struggling with a problem. Sacrifices other than sacrificial death towards the effort in problems do. So I will submit myself to hard labor in the efforts of problem management to lessen human suffering. My heart is aching for all to know that there is a God that does exist for I have seen a miracle with my very own eyes and he has delivered me from mine own trials. I am one of his servants and will be no matter what role I explore until the day I die. I left the setting tonight of a wonderful kingdom hall of great associates, a friend who checked to see if I was okay and met me in the hall because of my cold sniffles who I had to warmly smile at for I would only dream to dance with such a gentleman as him again one day because he is so caring, a grandma who vividly listens with other friends behind me having another friend battling the battles of old age and the other of cancer. A brief comment about how a sister awaits and starts up to answer a kingdom ministry question and she lovingly talks about her husband and the time they spent together the morning of which he called her to share the "Examining the Daily Scriptures" to show the love they have for one another and God in the three fold cord while my Mother separating herself, being upsetting, avoiding emotional stirs sits behind me when we came in for the meeting because we were late decides to leave early when the meeting is over because she is upset that her husband, my Dad, is not beside her to share the most wonderful life giving knowledge and feels let down and upset and she knows Sister Sally is suffering with cancer and is in a state of sleeping a lot. I only pray it to be her greatest battle in fighting it off with a powerful sleeping beauty rest. Another brother, Ivory, suffering of cancer answers over the intercom still sharing his most insightful loving answers. Another sister, Sister sprague, being in a suffering positon writing letters to all those witnessing to those she knows. All people struggling together to still make it, all still struggling to survive in the mightest battles that life throws and the love they share together with the third of that three fold cord, God. We talk a while and the feelings hit a sooner known stranger in whom she has become in the maturity or enduring of age that I do not know. My heart and soul change completely all over again. Longing for the one I naturally will love most one day, I have to still wait and take brief break moments, for the times I need to let the feelings go and learn how to help the world to love more through my previous hardships and battles. An ACT score I will have to bring up, tests will come to me the following day, satellite dish installation(a pain in the butt) all the natural oddities of life I can't help but to adopt the kindergarteners and Clark Vitt students I know and treat them as children of my own that I long to have one day learning from their psychology too. A child's innocence is so sweet,..may it never be broken, may children play amidst the flowering fields, let the spring and summer days come, let the sultry paradise come that awaits us all as I learn many of the human emotions go on and on along with the battles too. I only hope we love one another in the way and make sacrifices to be loving towards one another for nothing bad could occur hardly out of a situation of such unless the worldly characteristics of other takes place. The years knowledge make wiser a person and so do the battles they behold to conquer in their own. I hope and pray all to stop suffering soon and that happiness be brought back once again. A mix and stir of emotions constantly consfuses the face of the world scene. The world scene is constantly changing. Should we be really looking to have our children take piles of medicine fo any little definition of a disorder? Is this what we really want for society?.. Well like there is a balance there is also a time for,.certainly not everything that happens about in the teenage age is a disorder and the brain has many, many, many mysterious ways of tasking, handling, managing and responding to situations that is different with every person. Like there is a time for everything we must also find the balance of happiness for our families and societies too. Love is one of the most dominant qualities that exists of God and we in his image have the ability to love to greatest extents too. One might ask , "Can I really love everyone?" Well the answer is "yes" it actually is possible and the perseverance to understand every perspective comes with it. Along with that come the understanding of every world scene and a complex knowledge of the world around. Love has to be one of the greatest human emotions. For all the friends I know in the Union, Beaufort, Washington, Stony Hill, St. Clair, Springfield, Kansas City, Chilicothe, Arnold, St. Louis, Troy, Montana, Mexico areas and all the rest I know people from. You know if I know you, the point is I love all of you so much. Please take time and articulate care in the decisions in your life to help others and make the world a better place. I love you all so much!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Child Love, Care, Growth and Development

There are many stages and importances within a child's life but one of the most important is love. Within love there should be that nourishment and compassion and care for a young infant or baby from the very early stages onward. I like Oprah's movie about "Begin with Love," and how CIVITAS affect a child's life when the research given helps with the parenting in an enfants life through the eyes of a child. One child can makes such a difference and you never realize that until you know how much love they've really-really brought into your life and how it warms you with energetic fascination only to help them learn more and learn along the way with them in their cognitive developments. So here is a little bit of Oprah Winfrey's advice for the new mothers(I wish Melissa B. best of wishes with her little baby girl along the way because I know she'll be a wonderful mother):
Video highlights "Begin With Love":
1. Take Care of yourself once you get home from the hospital. It's important that you take care of yourself and your important relationships. This is good for you and your baby. That way no postpartum blues..
2.Provide a warm & loving environment. Your affection is key to your baby's growth and development. When your baby is happy, he is more open to learning.
3.Talk, Sing & Read to Your BABY(hence the word). The newborn brain is especially interested in sound; words and music are some of the best ways to connect with your baby.
4. Create a predictable world with routines for your baby. Providing routines, especially around sleep and feedings, let your baby know that she can depend on you. In turn, she will spend less energy fussing, and more time learning.
5.Understand & Respond To Your Baby's needs: When you respond to your baby you teach him that he can communicate his needs, building trust in you and the world around him.

The baby develops emotionally, mentally, physically, socially and in many ways will try to communicate to you and a lesson in child psychology helps you understand more about what your child needs due to the characteristics they display. Cognitive growth of the mind's development is very important. A baby of early on age eventually establishes reasoning and logic in such things when lights turn on and off and eventually accomplishes object permanence where they realize an object is still there such as car keys once they drop them.

Early stages of physical development begin with lifting the chin, chest, reaching for objects, sitting with support & head erect, sits in high chairs-grasping and playing with toys, sits alone, moves hands to knees from sitting, crawls, pulls up on furniture to stand, cruises furniture, crawls up steps, stands and balances taking few steps and eventually walks along all becoming part of the physical maturity of the child in development of growth.

Early stages of communication such as crying, ga-ga-ing and babbling are early forms of communication. A child's smile, frown, or scream let's you know if they are in dire need or content of something.

Manipulation in ability to use hands, fingers and thumbs with precision are wonderful when achieved.
Coordination in ability to make different motor skills and physical actions require use of muscles.
Gross Motor Skills are the large muscles used to move.
Piaget's Theory is one of example in the industriousness of the importance in understanding of psychology in a child's life.

All of these and the wonderful ability to sooth a child and to nurture and take care of him/her warms our hearts and children become our second chance in our world when they become seen through the eyes of our child!

A Modest Proposal For Society

Jessica Gerlemann
English IV
Mr. Flynn
1st hour
A modest proposal be it a must to the ordained society in our ways of making the sheer truth of human dominance and contingency better. Human dominance a great example of running over pedestrians because we’re mad at the time or human contingency or tendency to bomb all those we disagree with seems to be a rightful action for only the mortified society of which we would live in today hath it not if it weren’t for changes dear friends in a pleasure of pursuit of want it is or was to be. Yes, we must punish the punishers that are the successors to the successes or the successees to the successors in pursuit of what is to be. Then, what then, if evil will win? We’ll all be held responsible for the action of our feet and fist trod so if the abused are abuse for reason what is it to us if they are settling their differences? Yes, skydiving out of airplanes when we reach our fifties seems to be the reasonable answer in solving the solution to our societies. What if then even our best answer may be to pound each other on the head with the rubber mallets like monkeys who disagree in the most trivial pursuit to launch an aftermath ever after until we solve the riddle God wants us to pursue. If only this was the world history and no not homicidalism, suicidalism or bad acts should ever cause us to change our mind or shift our dispositions in society for a reasonable cause and solution. We must er’ fight the fight in conformity to change our human contingencies and fight the fine fight in resolution to solve the humanic problems where from the beginning the apple fell too far from the tree where the snake had bitten. Now it is time we must adventurously bite back in pursuing the course to answering the most important riddle of our lives. We must whip the punishers who punish us in doing good in our lives and run over the innocent pedestrians in the street when we are mad or shalt we not make a change?.. Wait dear ones isn’t this we already do? Let us take up our torture stakes and play a video game to decipher through what best fits the human needs in our life. Skydiving out of airplanes seems to sound like the detrimental relief and taking a pitch fork to those who challenge the farmer and pop them in the butt as a reminder where the Indian corn crops and home grown tomatoes came from. Yes it was humans but was it all just so about by chance, you plant a seed in the soil and water it, that with a little sunlight it comes to grow? Shalt we stomp on those or he whom feeds us? The censure by the time we’re done if allowed to go forth as monkeys bombing and discrediting and destroying those we disagree with shall eventually cause the snake from our belly where we feed to eventually bite us back. Yes, best as it is, I suppose we must leave it this way. After all, it’s what God wanted isn’t it? Or not? Or did it occur where one took a step to change. Either way I guess we’re just better off watching our world fall and disintegrate completely away from us are we not? Of course, that is how changes occur and take place isn’t it?
(Did you feel yourself getting angry or outraged or thinking I was somewhat of what they call the ol' donkey?.. That's the use of satire in the example of a Modest Proposal by Pope in which we so adventurously learned a great deal about awesomely from my first hour English IV teacher. So here's my explanation.., have fun thinking about it! )
When we all live in society sometimes depending upon the amount of groups we are around we might see an invarious number of a different amount of groups whom are out of order to what is or would be healthful to them and it causes much of the pain and strife of suffering signified by the apple falling too far from the tree of the story of Adam and Eve and the snake biting in the story or causing it and being lost and not clearly understanding one uniform set of rules and guidelines God set in order for us leaving an extension of suffering through misunderstanding. Solution is to solve through many groups and find a God-given balance of what is right and best for everyone.

Resolutions To Economic Progression

Alright! We're going to tackle this once and for all. If your working come up with personal resolutions to how you can improve your job environment ethically, environmentally and how you can change a mood of drear to a mood of cheer. For those whome it's available to work more hours find the availability to use your money as wisely as you can in creating the money flow throughout the economy because the majority of those in whom it is up to is the workers. We are having some inflations and they are doing an act of forgiveness for example for those who have gotten themselves in debt therefore the U.S. itself may be getting more in debt overall as a world-wide known country. If the media is covering the facts of Economic Problems right now what are we to do? A Copy of Pope.., a little satire shall we.?. Shall we sit like monkeys hanging from the vine of the tree or pound our chests like a Gorilla in pursuit to show authority over our nation babboons? lol j/k good right? ...Well in times of economic trouble what can we do? Let's take an educational course to understand more about the kind of economy we have, how money flow or even banks have affected the economies of the past and the economies of today. Let's link the organizational Godly government back to the standards of what should have taken place from the beginning. You know if Adam and Eve hadn't turned to a sinful course of disobeying God in their actions instead of listening we would have a self-serving Paradise where there was no economy at all but a self ran government, building projects and food growing of all sorts. How did money ever come into the picture anyhow and where did greed start taking place in the root and greeds of all evil? The existance of money and possession has actually hurt mankind overtime but wouldn't it be silly to consider deleting the money system from all the world's economies with the advances systems we have now? Is it not good that we learn best we can on various levels how to manage the world around us? Yes it is! We must take the time to understand how major corporations in the economy affect the money flow in other places and how we as people can change where we put our money or spend at certain times to balance out the economy or give it an equivalent balance of money flow. So if there were to be a possible stock market crash next time instead let's not panic and instead let's build up more securities within our economy and not such things that if we allow neglegence to them at all in the littlest bit fail. So here is our first assignment as people: We must all research an efficient plan of money use in our economy and switch up and change eating at the same restaurants from time to time so suppose that they all stay open and have an equal amount of business or that we all succeed with our basic needs in life by providing the basic needs by giving and taking from one another that in the biggest concept of all the conceptualism of communication and being benefactors to one another in ensuring one another's success and security!! If we all try to do as much as we can there is littler work for just one person and if a consistant habit takes place in many money efficient costs of credits/debits checks and balances in owner's equities, assets and liability accounts and using less debt driven commercially responsible material that can be misleading we come out more successful as an economy! Cha-cha-cha-cha Bonsoir Monsieurs! Bonsoir Mademoiselles!