Sunday, June 17, 2007

Blogger Health News

Hello everyone I was hoping this would be helpful to many of those who lead those hectic lives in society. At times my life has gotten so bad that I'm hoping that this advice that I gave to a friend going through something right now will be of a great help to him and anyone else who might desperately need it. I promise that if you get into the habit of it , it helps, and it's also helped me. Don't give up on those around you and above all else yourself and take it easy and just do me that favor above all. Sometimes a job isn't worth killing yourself over it is understandable if you got a few bills that need to be paid but if anything and all else I guess you could temporarily also ask help from those caring people around you if you possibly could. I think we kinda get afraid sometimes these days and I'm afraid for those who have this too but most of all I want you to know that we~ as in All of us as a good people can help one another out and everybody is capable of really-really caring about one another and loving each other as an individual so much.., I hope that everything starts getting better for all those that have to endure these trails soon & I can't wait..just take it easy and try not to overly stress yourself out about too many things at once..the stressors of life can get to you so bad and understand I do know what your going through and your at this stage in llife where you are starting to see and understand everything but yet if asked you couldn't quite explain it in words and with the mass details of confusion and everything ABOVE ALL drop everything else..have the brothers and sisters keep you in mind and just FOCUS on "your" health and we can keep talking back and forth on the computer and you can keep trying to rely on any of the friends or any fall back or crutch as much as you can..., anything that is a positive and good thing for you to improve your health. Your health conditions sound serious right now. Sometimes issues of depression and pain you might be going through will do this to you..most of all realize that hopefully this will help: This is the same thing I did when I went through my depression and I was hoping to pave the way for others going through it including you!
1) Keep a good, healthful & nutricious Diet 2) Eat a good breakfast, lunch, supper and healthful snacks in b/w for as long as your body needs 3) Get at least the required amount of sleep you need or as much as you feel your body needs at the time 4) Build up your immunity and eat as much fresh, fresh fruit and vegetables as much as you can 5) TAke daily energy building vitamins...Vitamin B Complex is good for Energy Production and it supports a Healthy nervous systme along with what I believe to be included skin and hair too 6)Take a good strong and beneficial multivitamin and when taking them all eat a good meal with them 7)This is a difficult one: When our body starts having seizures it's because our brain is going haywire and shutting down and off and on here and there at times: Most of the time in cases like these....the way we live our lives and the amount of stress we put on ourselves and our body causes it to start shutting down in these ways. 8) If your starting to have seizures like this plenty of health and rest to have your brain recooperate is to your most beneficial need..Our nervous system of our brain is very complex..certain parts of our brain control our body..but in order for our body to function correctly we need the right and proper amount of rest and nutrition to keep our brain that functions the rest of our body healthy .., without doing this it means that symptoms may keep progressing..9) Being around anyone or anything that makes you feel good is to your best advantage..sometimez it's best to take a break from this world and quit focusing on those problems but practice working with your body and brain to shut down on thinking so much about it 10) If your taking any depression medicine above all be careful to make sure that these vitamins don't counter-act with it but if decent at all the depression medicine shouldn't because these are the bare essentials that you need to get yourself going if all else fails....this is what I do..I rerouted my own thinking and knew that there were two possible choices 1) to give up and shed my own blood and not inherit Jehovah's Kingdom because I broke his law and take the not-so-great easy way out:WHICH PLLLZ DO NOT DO!! or 2) Stay and fight through the living hell and decide that through all these human contigencies they will all eventually be done away with soon and that most of all : "IF" I stayed on this Earth I could help change things for Jehovah all over again once I got healthy enough to and so what I did is I took the bare essentials, took it easy, rested up and decided I was going to fight and keep that everlasting life because it came to the point of not mattering any more what anyone else did to me because with Jehovah it was me and my life and the others I would change later on as a promise to him. I can tell you and promise you,.. it will be doubly rewarding keep focusing your mind on "this alone" and completely brain wash yourself with it if you have to just to get yourself through again...but you have to find something positive that always makes yourself feel good and then keep doing that as much and often as you can to create endorphins within your own brain to with your "best fight" start counteracting those negative feelings and pain you have with or because of depression. 10) Take aceteminophen as rarely but often as you need to as long as it doesn't counter-act with the rest to get rid of the pain but not become dependent on

Friends I hope and pray that you start feeling better and you know what I hope everything starts going well for you again soon! I'm praying for you and above all hang in there and keep fighting with this! Find some friends that will be positive for you that you can hang out with and hopefully those your close to can while your goin through all this because it will be healthful for you also but above all try not to be overly anxious about things if you cannot help them at the time. Hang in there and keep up your hard work in fighting this and i know you will good better if you can help yourself recooperate your own brain..that's sorta what happens when some people go into depression and come out of it later on ...there body shuts down just enough to recooperate and start back up again..haha kinda like a car huh? Well hang in there and lots of love above all and find you some good and upbuilding positive association that will be rewarding and emotionally upbuilding to you in all aspects!

Much love from a Jehovah's Witness: it's saved my life a couple of times and hopefully it can help save yours too!


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