Thursday, January 25, 2007

Love To Love Life

Well,..shall I just say that I'm really sorry that I ever put this blog on a hold because I have so many neat ideas for what I wanted to write about and what I am still going to. I have to tell all the viewers that I'm really sorry I haven't been blogging or writing at all lately because basically my modo of loving to love life pretty much comes true all around leaving me trying to task everything and hardly having any time to get things done. This "is" actually very important to me. I have created and formed a lot of my own strong opinions on many matters and issures over the years about so many aspects of things. First of all I have to say thank you to all the people who have helped me get through this year including my my Mom, my Dad and above all my teachers who have really held out for me so I could prove to them the student I am. I'm now a Junior and almost a senior and I've learned an extreme amount of many enlightening things about life and one thing I've really learned is even though it's hard to love one another and have patience all that time that's how we as people get along individually better and when we ask and return favors from one another instead of using one another "blaintly" instead we're actually making the world a better place and improving our environment and ourselves at the same time. I have to say and hopefully some of the people who have continuously held out for me this year will see it: "I appreciate all that my friends and family have done to help me this year and I will find a way to pay back all of you!" I was thinking on becoming a teacher aide for a few of my teachers and helping them out next year again to show them really how much I appreciate how they've been understanding because it's been really hard at times to finish tests or even keep my head together because I've had such a wide amount of information going on at once! I want to doubly show and thank my teachers, friends and family along with bosses, co-workers and others who have helped me out this year because I know they found it in their heart to do that for me and I promise I want to do the same for them because that is was real and true caring people and friends are for! I really like the Union High School and the school district which I'm not afraid to announce because they really do have many sincere and good-hearted individuals who look out for one another and know how to be a great community. I've never really directly lived here in Union but I practically do because I'm always here for school, for friends, for fun and for going to the kingdom hall or out in service with other individuals I know. I know sometimes it's hard for people to understand why we come to the door but is actually what we believe a work of God and not to mention we are witnesses with double meaning.,. because we are honest people we witness and see a lot around us which means that it is also a protection and safeguard sometimes for other people when we might be out. Technically there are a lot of people I admire and love around this town and area. My teachers, my friends, my families and even the cops we know. I've always felt so at ease talking and knowing the cops who help make our community safer. There really is a lot of admirable qualities in all of them! I want to name specifically so bad! Mr. Mechem, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Ruether, Mrs. Kapusciak, Mrs. Fink, Mr. Dunard, Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Krull, Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Schwentker, Mrs. Tanner, Mrs. Davidson, Mr. Bailey, Mrs. Rehling, Mr. Dunn, Mr. Kapusciak, Officer Anderson, Officer Hoemann, Jesse, Mr. Lottman, Laura Lottman, Adam, Tina, Maele, Danny, Burgundy, Ashley, Sarah and so many more of my family like my grandma, my Mom, my Dad, my Brother and many of my aunts and uncles! I love you all! I know I seem like I don't have time for people lately but I really do care and I just want to express now in the amount of time I do for all the times I don't get to and let me tell you that all of you should be proud of yourselves for being such good people and I care so much that you know how much you've helped me!


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