Thursday, January 25, 2007


Have you noticed a change among people's attitudes lately? Have you noticed how people are beginning to lose their morals? What is most important to us as a person? Should I say these are the loaded questions for what I am going to write about? Yes. I would like to do this to show that I ~believe~ that I may help others understand some things about how the way we live our lives affects us. Please never let us under-estimate one another ever and find that love amongst ourselves in order that we may get along to live in this world in ~Harmony. Well let's see.. there have been some things happening lately that truly have been miracles. God actually chooses his people by the way in which they live their lives. He chooses those people who "choose" to have a "good" heart, the people who "choose" to live with morals, the people who "choose" to obey him, his commandments and believe in him. You see this is what I am trying to say: "Our actions define our heart conditions in which of the last days..and the judgment day comes that is one of the many ways in which God will know that we are "not" opposers of him. Because there is a divine plan that is getting ready to be fulfilled in which wickedness will be destroyed and restoration will be renewed to the earth with harmony of people living according to God's will but will many different varying and beautiful personalities with people of all ages. Are we living according to his standards? I am just bringing this out because their is a unique perpspective that I want others to see....It truly matters..What we say...What we do..and how we act. I remember growing up and thinking I could live without a care here and there too to some point. But I also remembered when I was taught the morals I have how dramatically it changed my life for "good." Having morals is basically knowing right from wrong and knowing right from wrong means that we as people believe with out whole heart, soul and mind that what God says is right "is" and what God says is wrong "is." I don't think "some" people realizes that it even makes them a better person. It makes my heart "ache" to hear people talk about all the different kinds of drugs they have done, how it affects them, why it was fun, and how it was a blast..Because..> All along they are throwing their lives away to addiction, ritual routine in order to do something that they "think" is fun. Now there-in lies the understanding of every person by the kind of background they were brought up in, they were raised,.. if they were taught right from wrong,..and what kind of morals they believe are needed. Now communication here-within lies with the understanding and reasoning of enlightenment with "everything." Communication and understanding of a person's background results in a mass of "enlightenment." That and the balance of the understanding that is sought of many other things it is easy for us to learn that the way we live our lives whether we even believe in God or not even matters... This is how I'll explain this. If we leave room for loose lifestyles then we leave room for many mistakes and if we leave that "room" for mistakes that means we are making excuses for ouselves. There is and always will be reasons for why people do what they do "always" but sometimes it's also at a reasonable measure. First it matters most of all that we keep that balance because if we don't the progression of our mistakes and the excuses if we allow it can grow bigger to resulting in doing something we regret...and in this case like Michael Devlin. Even if he didn't exactly push "Ben" in the car he helped in aiding it and may have had the whole influence over it but before that the question on my mind is "Did he regret his past mistakes that it may have possibly led him to start looking for the opportunity to start his life off in a better direction or keep repeating his mistakes." "What if his wrong decision he made again could have and may lead to a possible life sentence because he did not seek to stop himself?" "Is it possible that he thought he messed up his life already and that he wanted a family but didn't think that he had a chance because of what he already had done to start over?" "What if he completely did it as an offender though with certain thoughts in mind?" "What if the reason Devlin left them have some freedom is because he started looking at them as a type of family even though because of habit he may still have committed some type of sexual misconduct or enjoyed their company?" He materialistically provided for Shawn even. Yet to me he seemed to be in one of those quirks caught inbetween the seriousness of reality and that of a game. "Thriving" or "feeding" on getting off or getting away with things? :Now this they should consider a disorder. A precarious sentimentality can be very confusing. There are many many levels of smarts and intelligence with people and with animals even.. Taking all of this into consideration..I believe he was one of those who wanted Shawn to help him kidnap Ben..they took off after Mitchell getting the description..he went Eastbound on Hwy 50 and moved from point A, to point B, and did so at first to confuse people and left to get on hwy 47 probably moreless in the dark later of night when no-one could see him and he could get a successful get-away.


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