Monday, January 22, 2007

*Perceivances*Of* View*

Well what should I have to say for today January 22, 2007?...Well let me just say that life is a lotta fun! I know it all has its ups and downs but based upon what every person experiences imagine what all we would miss out on! I'm really excited because I think I am on the way to accomplishing my spiritual bound goals because I have some high expectations in which I want to take my opportunity to witness to others with me in order to be able to reach a wide variety of people and help all sorts in many different ways. All I can say is nobody can stand in my way this time unless they want to fight ~Smiles~ Because this is something I truly want for me and others. I know higher secular education can become frowned down upon by the brothers because of it's involvements but they and my family are going to ~Have to~ understand that this is what I ~Have to~ get accomplished because I want to but not for myself but for Jehovah and others for an all around good because I want to work with the world to change it! I really do hope they don't give me any difficulty about it because it is something I truly want to accomplish! I'm on my way to start vo-tech for training in the health career which helps me to make money and in turn helps the health of others. Then I'll use the money I make along with other to travel the world through Bethel Coach Tours and ~Definitely~ take somebody or others with me in which I want to witness, meet and talk to other witnesses in other lands! Then I will journal and document all the neat experiences I have and let it go even further beyond that to create more good experiences! They won't regret it if they understand why I'm trying to do this and that's all I can say!


At 9:55 PM , Blogger Jellybean Jezzica said...

vcdsgfd Hi, thanks for the tip when I get my chance I'm coming to learn more about making money on here but probably won't use this one! Take care


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