Tuesday, January 16, 2007

~Found~ Loving hearts and many blessings!

Descriptively two main blessings..+++++>>>>a few as in many more! We just came back from the most ~amazing, ~love-motivated assembly at our Union High School that there could have ever been in a lifetime as we rejoice over a couple of found treasures of the lives of Ben Ownby and Shawn Hornbeck!! Many friends, family and students attended this Union High School assembly in which everyone happily congratulated our ~Nationwide~ hero, Mitchell! Being a best friend to Ben Ownby he immediately gave the police the description of the White Nissan rusted truck without hub-caps and a continuous window along with a camper shell that they found in Kirkwood, Missouri. Within a miraculous miracle of the sight of the two inspecting officers they saw Shawn Hornbeck playing on a computer and rescued both boys in which they found within the same location. Now we ALL Rejoice as we enjoy this miracle that only the heartfelt effort of others and God could have granted us! It's amazing to see the smiles on everyone's faces as a hope they kept for a missing boy came true along with the granted find of another. It's extremely amazing to now know that Michael Devlin will now be held under a Million Dollars Bond and be taken to prison for his actions! Now it is a rejoiceful time for all of the hopeful at heart with many prayers to answer and two Beaufort families put back together in a peaceful life! Throughout this event the love for the missing boys and the excitement of them being found brought the heartfelt efforts of many and a situation where we all feel safe once again as we can join with one another in laughter, love, care and concern for one another! There are so many heroes and Mitchell along with the police officers, the volunteers, the good-citizens and many others who helped report along with the newscast people and even the swat teams that helped do the searches for the missing boys! Now we can all enjoyfully say that we've experienced a large miracle all in it's own that took place on the account of one of God's dominant qualities that are displayed in man's image also through those many other heroes in which all took effort on the account of the "Love" they had for one another and for one's neighbor! This miracle will last forever on in a fortunate endeavor and place in our hearts to seek good from now on as people who will always try to make a difference!
Yay 4 Shawn and Ben Ownby, thier friends, family, and all the many others who took concern at heart because of their "right-ful" and just actions!


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