Thursday, January 04, 2007

They Didn't Believe

I hate to say this but soo many people are ceasing to believe one another anymore these days because they don't know who they can trust. What happened if what we didn't believe and what we thought a person is making up is absolutely not true or the case at all. In all aspects this is reasonably understandable.. well soo much for trying I wanna quit school now and say "Hello World" "Let's work with your problems." Almost anything and everything can't be for sure anymore and anything that is too good to be true seems to unfold later. much for trying. I want my job so I can auxiliary pioneer, so I can help provide and so I won't be so dependent on my parents anymore. It was my opportunity to make a difference. But sometimes I feel like the world so much aims to knock one another that they "can't" get back up. Why don't they ask us to give up our dreams? Why don't they go ahead and tell us it's all bull when it's really not. There are a lot of thing we cease to see or realize in our everyday lives. What's most important to me is the person who I become. A person that is "myself" a person that is good-hearted. Nevertheless,..I'm always guarding my heart from changing to a hateful state as much as possible..but do people ever realize in some situations with other people like this that to the other person they are asking for it? Absolutely not. This is what I was told ..a while back..for a girl who came into our restaurant who had taken part in harrassment on the bus along with the others is blaintly trying to say the whole reason I went through all of that is because I was late for the bus a few times when she was also? She was four times in the year so what is she talking about? Well..indeed maybe I did but you "cannot" tell me that none of that was harassment because that girl doesn't even know what it is. Not to mention I know her and her family all to well to see what it is that "all" of them were trying to do. Getting hit in the head with a shoe, cussed at, called names, being put down, being accused of saying somebody did meth when it was a person you "used" to be friends with, being kicked in the butt when you were dressed up, wearing a moderate skirt and some weirdo..what can I say they all are and it went even further beyond the bus. Some people talked, some wondered if it was true and some stared in disbelief not even thinking it's possible..because of something like that you would think most people woul be suicidal but No,.not me. I went through depression without any medicine, drug myself to school at first feeling like I was dying inside everyday..putting up with everyday stressors on the side..they cannot tell me that it wasn't Jehovah who endured me through it or that it was the characteristics of Satan's world that layed this upon me when I so willingly asked to take part and be tried in faith through prayer to share in pain that the others had. I prayed this of Ivory one of our brothers with bone cancer. So I finally got me a job at McDonald's, got me a job at D'Angelos..pulled myself through of what are still recessions today when you know that your own mom gets jealous of you along with a lot of other people. It cuts like a knife when it's said I am not holding up my responsibility and I need to do the dishes more, I'm not a spiritual person or I am not who I say I am. I act out in certain ways just like everyone else and to be frank for someone to say that being a Jehovah's Witness had nothing to do with it ..I beg to differ..because I could have been one of those kids... because I could have thrust out all my hate and anger back at them..BUT..I "Chose" not too. Doing so would go against every belief in my heart and soul and my internal will as a person. Those people did not hurt me because I'll soon be back on my feet again. But it's the morals and principals that protected them was the love that I found in my heart..the literal "hate" that I learned to change to love even when I knew for some of those I would try to help it wouldn't pay off. They chose to let their heart conditions change. When it was said that, "Your religions is Bull Shtt!" "There is no God" It was me who said, "Oh really?" "Let me prove it to you. " Now,..I stand with my job that I love being threatened to be taken away for every little stupid thing I do..and an internet disconnected..because a parent was mad that I had not listened for an outcome I had knew in the first place and that I knew would work for me and what I thought for her..but because she would be getting set up for blame..that she ceases to realize and blames on me because she would be forced to go with me Saturday when she could go on her own and get out on her own Wednesday when Dad isn't out of town and when Dad said it was alright for me to keep Tuesday and for the most part wasn't too worried if I had to go to St. Clair if I could pay for my own gas money.


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